Zoom Power BI Connector: Webinars, Meetings, Calls

Zoom Meeting Screenshot

Zoom Power BI connector by VIDI enables you to analyze all your zoom calls, web meetings as well as the webinar registrants & participants. Here is what you get:

  1. All your Zoom data connected to Power BI automatically
  2. A free customisable Zoom Power BI Template
  3. Store the data in the database or data warehouse of your choice
  4. Customize or enhance data based on your requirement

Zoom Power BI Dashboards

Power BI Zoom Calls Dashboard

Power BI Zoom Webinar Funnel Dashboard

Power BI Zoom Registrants Dashboard

How Our Zoom Power BI connector works?

  • Create a serverless job on the cloud of your choice to fetch the data from zoom accounts on a regular basis
  • Store the data in the database or data warehouse of your choice. You can either bring your own database or we can create a new one for this. It can be any SQL database or warehouse e.g (SQL Server, Postgresq, Mysql, BigQuery, Snowflake, etc.,)
  • You can let us know the customisations you want to perform on your data. This includes any transformations that are to be performed to match with your organisation’s standards
  • You can tell us the list of tables that you are looking for in zoom and we can fetch only them
  • You can also tell us how your report should look like and we can store the data in the format which is ready to consume

This is a lightweight serverless solution which drastically reduces the cost with minimal monitoring and offers lots of customisations.

Zoom Power BI Connector Tables

Below are the list of tables we are extracting


Webinars table scheduled by or on behalf a webinar host

Column NameData TypeDescription
agendaStringWebinar description. The agenda length gets truncated to 250 characters when you list all webinars for a user. To view the complete agenda, retrieve details for a single webinar, 
created_atDateTimeThe webinar’s creation time.
durationIntegerThe webinar’s duration, in minutes.
host_idStringThe host’s ID.
idIntegerThe webinar ID.
join_urlStringThe URL to join the webinar.
start_timeDateTimeThe webinar’s start time.
timezoneStringThe Webinar’s timezone
topicStringThe webinar’s topic.
typeIntegerThe webinar type.5 – A webinar.6 – A recurring webinar without a fixed time.9 – A recurring webinar with a fixed time.
uuidStringThe webinar’s universally unique identifier (UUID). Each webinar instance generates a webinar UUID.
is_simuliveBooleanWhether the webinar is simulive.


All the users that are registered for a webinar

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringRegistrant ID.
addressStringThe registrant’s address.
cityStringThe registrant’s city.
commentsStringThe registrant’s questions and comments.
countryStringThe registrant’s two-letter ISO country code.
custom_questionsArray of ObjectInformation about custom questions.<title, value>
email *EmailThe registrant’s email address. See Email address display rules for return value details.
first_name *StringThe registrant’s first name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
industryStringThe registrant’s industry.
job_titleStringThe registrant’s job title.
last_nameStringThe registrant’s last name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
no_of_employeesEnumThe registrant’s number of employees in range.
orgStringThe registrant’s organization.
phoneStringThe registrant’s phone number.
purchasing_time_frameEnumThe registrant’s purchasing time frame.
role_in_purchase_processEnumThe registrant’s role in the purchase process.
stateStringThe registrant’s state or province.
statusEnumThe status of the registrant’s registration.
zipStringThe registrant’s ZIP or postal code.
create_timeDate-TimeThe time when the registrant registered.
join_urlStringThe URL that an approved registrant can use to join the meeting or webinar.
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


Polls in a webinar

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringID of the Poll.
statusEnumStatus of the Poll.
anonymousBooleanAllow meeting participants to answer poll questions anonymously.
poll_typeIntegerThe type of poll.
questionsArrayInformation about the poll’s questions.
titleStringPool’s title
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


list of all the participants who attended a webinar hosted in the past.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringThe participant’s unique identifier.
nameStringThe participant’s name.
user_idStringThe participant’s ID assigned upon joining the webinar.
registrant_idStringThe participant’s unique registrant ID. Returns only if the registrant_id value is passed for include_fields query parameter. Does not return if the type query parameter is set to live.
user_emailEmailEmail address of the participant. Returns an empty string if the participant is not part of the host’s account, with some exceptions.
join_timeDateTimeThe participant’s join time.
leave_timeDateTimeThe participant’s leave time.
durationIntegerThe participant’s attendance duration.
failoverBooleanIndicates whether failover occurred during the webinar.
statusEnumThe participant’s status.
total_recordsIntegerThe total number of records available across all pages.
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


List absentees of a webinar.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringRegistrant ID.
addressStringThe registrant’s address.
cityStringThe registrant’s city.
commentsStringThe registrant’s questions and comments.
countryStringThe registrant’s two-letter ISO country code.
custom_questionsArrayInformation about custom questions.
email *EmailThe registrant’s email address. See Email address display rules for return value details.
first_name *StringThe registrant’s first name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
industryStringThe registrant’s industry.
job_titleStringThe registrant’s job title.
last_nameStringThe registrant’s last name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
no_of_employeesEnumThe registrant’s number of employees.
orgStringThe registrant’s organization.
phoneStringThe registrant’s phone number.
purchasing_time_frameEnumThe registrant’s purchasing time frame.
role_in_purchase_processEnumThe registrant’s role in the purchase process.
stateStringThe registrant’s state or province.
statusEnumThe status of the registrant’s registration.
zipStringThe registrant’s ZIP or postal code.
create_timeDateTimeThe time when the registrant registered.
join_urlStringThe URL that an approved registrant can use to join the meeting or webinar.
webinar_idStringId of the webinar

We can fetch more tables based on the requirement like

  • Panelists
  • Past webinar pools
  • Meetings
  • Billing reports