Zoho Books Connector to Power BI, Tableau, Looker Studio

Zoho Books connector to Power BI

Power BI Zoho Books connector by VIDI enables you to do the following:

  1. Automatically connect your Zoho Books data to Power BI
  2. Connect to multiple organization’s data and consolidate it in one place
  3. Store the data in the database or data warehouse of your choice
  4. Customize or enhance data based on your requirement

How Our Power BI Zoho Books Connector Works

  • Create a serverless job on the cloud of your choice to fetch the data from zoho books for all your accounts & organizations on a regular basis
  • Store the data in your database or data warehouse. You can either use your own database or we can create a new one for this. It can be any SQL database of warehouse for example (SQL Server, Postgresq, Mysql, BigQuery, etc.,)
  • Let us know the customizations you want to perform on your data, this includes any transformations that are to be performed to match with your organization’s standards
  • Tell us the list of tables you need in zoho books and we can fetch them
  • You can also tell us how your report should look like and we can store the data in a ready to consume format

This is a lightweight serverless solution which drastically reduces the cost with minimal monitoring and offers lots of customizations.

Power BI Zoho Books Connector Tables Documentation

Below are the list of tables we are extracting

Bank Accounts

Bank accounts table where you can track your transactions, have manual and automatic feeds imported for your bank and credit card accounts.

Column NameData TypeDescription
account_idstringID of the Bank/Credit Card account
account_namestringName of the account
account_codestringCode of the Account
currency_idstringID of the Currency associated with the Account
currency_codestringCode of the currency associated with the Bank Account
currency_symbolstringSymbol of the Currency associated with the Account
price_precisionintegerPrecision of the Price Values
account_typestringType of the account
account_numberstringNumber associated with the Bank Account
uncategorized_transactionsintegerNumber of uncategorized transactions
total_unprinted_checksintegerNumber of unprinted checks.
is_activebooleanCheck if Account is Active
is_feeds_subscribedbooleanCheck if feeds are subscribed
is_feeds_activebooleanCheck if feeds are active
balancedoubleBalance present in the account
bank_balanceintegerBalance present in the Bank
bcy_balancedoubleBalance in Base Currency
bank_namestringName of the Bank
routing_numberstringRouting Number of the Account
is_primary_accountbooleanCheck if the Account is Primary Account in Zoho Books
is_paypal_accountbooleanCheck if the Account is Paypal Account
descriptionstringDescription of the Account
refresh_status_codestringRefresh Status Code of the Bank
feeds_last_refresh_datestringLast Refreshed Date of the Feeds
service_idstringService ID of the Account
is_system_accountbooleanCheck if the account is a system account
is_show_warning_for_feeds_refreshbooleanCheck if warning should be shown for refreshing Bank Feeds
organization_idstringID of the organization to distinguish
organization_namestringName of the organization

Bank Transactions

Bank Transactions Table where all the transactions involved in a account will be present

Column NameData TypeDescription
transaction_idstringUnique identifier for the transaction
datedateDate of the transaction
amountdoubleAmount of the transaction
transaction_typestringType of the transaction (e.g., purchase, deposit)
statusstringStatus of the transaction (e.g., pending, completed)
sourcestringSource of the transaction (e.g., online, manual entry)
account_idstringID of the associated account
account_namestringName of the associated account
rule_idstringID of the rule applied to the transaction
rule_namestringName of the rule applied to the transaction
is_auto_categorizedbooleanIndicates whether the transaction is automatically categorized
account_typestringType of the associated account
price_precisionintegerPrecision of the price values
customer_idstringID of the customer associated with the transaction
payeestringPayee of the transaction
is_paid_via_print_checkbooleanIndicates whether the transaction is paid via a printed check
payroll_tax_group_formattedstringFormatted payroll tax group
descriptionstringDescription of the transaction
currency_idstringID of the currency associated with the transaction
currency_codestringCode of the currency associated with the transaction
currency_symbolstringSymbol of the currency associated with the transaction
debit_or_creditstringIndicates whether the transaction is a debit or credit
offset_account_codestringCode of the offset account associated with the transaction
offset_account_namestringName of the offset account associated with the transaction
is_offsetaccount_matchedbooleanIndicates whether the offset account is matched with the transaction
reference_numberstringReference number associated with the transaction
reconcile_statusstringReconciliation status of the transaction
imported_transaction_idstringID of the imported transaction
is_rule_existbooleanIndicates whether a rule exists for the transaction
exclude_descriptionstringDescription to exclude from categorization
is_excluded_by_systembooleanIndicates whether the transaction is excluded by the system
is_advance_paymentbooleanIndicates whether the transaction is an advance payment
running_balance_formattedstringFormatted running balance of the transaction
running_balancedoubleRunning balance of the transaction
organization_idstringID of the organization associated with the transaction
organization_namestringName of the organization associated with the transaction


Journals table used by accountants to work directly with the general ledger to create both debit and credit entries for unique financial transactions.

Column NameData TypeDescription
journal_idstringUnique identifier for the journal
journal_datedateDate of the journal entry
entry_numberstringEntry number of the journal
reference_numberstringReference number associated with the journal entry
currency_idstringID of the currency associated with the journal entry
statusstringStatus of the journal entry (e.g., pending, completed)
notesstringNotes or additional information about the journal entry
journal_typestringType of the journal entry (e.g., sales, purchase)
entity_typestringType of entity associated with the journal entry (e.g., customer, vendor)
totaldoubleTotal amount of the journal entry
bcy_totaldoubleTotal amount of the journal entry in base currency
created_by_idstringID of the user who created the journal entry
created_by_namestringName of the user who created the journal entry
organization_idstringID of the organization associated with the journal entry
organization_namestringName of the organization associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_nostringCustom field: Invoice number associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_no_unformattedstringCustom field: Unformatted invoice number associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_datestringCustom field: Invoice date associated with the journal entry (formatted)
cf_invoice_date_unformattedstringCustom field: Unformatted invoice date associated with the journal entry

Opening Balances

Opening Balances table is required while migrating from existing accounting software to Zoho Books, you need to ensure that the transition is flawless, that all prevailing data such as journal entries, records, expense and income statements etc, have been recorded and continuity in financial statements is maintained. To ensure this, an opening balance needs to be calculated.

Column NameData TypeDescription
journal_idstringUnique identifier for the journal entry
journal_datedateDate of the journal entry
entry_numberstringEntry number of the journal entry
reference_numberstringReference number associated with the journal entry
currency_idstringID of the currency associated with the journal entry
statusstringStatus of the journal entry (e.g., pending, completed)
notesstringNotes or additional information about the journal entry
journal_typestringType of the journal entry (e.g., sales, purchase)
entity_typestringType of entity associated with the journal entry (e.g., customer, vendor)
totaldoubleTotal amount of the journal entry
bcy_totaldoubleTotal amount of the journal entry in base currency
created_by_idstringID of the user who created the journal entry
created_by_namestringName of the user who created the journal entry
organization_idstringID of the organization associated with the journal entry
organization_namestringName of the organization associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_nostringCustom field: Invoice number associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_no_unformattedstringCustom field: Unformatted invoice number associated with the journal entry
cf_invoice_datestringCustom field: Invoice date associated with the journal entry (formatted)
cf_invoice_date_unformattedstringCustom field: Unformatted invoice date associated with the journal entry
exchange_ratedoubleExchange rate for the currency
debit_or_creditstringIndicates whether the transaction is a debit or credit
product_namestringName of the product
currency_codestringCode of the currency
account_split_idstringID of the account split
account_idstringID of the account
bcy_amountdoubleAmount in base currency
total_formattedstringFormatted total amount
product_stock_rate_formattedstringFormatted product stock rate
branch_idstringID of the branch
product_idstringID of the product
account_namestringName of the account
branch_namestringName of the branch
bcy_amount_formattedstringFormatted amount in base currency
product_stockdoubleProduct stock
product_stock_ratedoubleProduct stock rate
account_typestringType of the account
account_type_formattedstringFormatted type of the account
datedateDate of the transaction
opening_balance_idstringID of the opening balance
date_formattedstringFormatted date of the transaction

Chart Accounts

Chart Accounts table, where Chart of Accounts in Zoho Books consists of a wide range of accounts that are generally used with any type of business. The accounts are classified into different types such as Income, Expense, Equity, Liability & Assets.

Column NameData TypeDescription
account_idstringID of the account
account_namestringName of the account
account_codestringCode of the account
account_typestringType of the account
descriptionstringDescription of the account
is_user_createdbooleanIndicates whether the account was created by a user
is_system_accountbooleanIndicates whether the account is a system account
is_activebooleanIndicates whether the account is currently active
can_show_in_zebooleanIndicates whether the account can be shown in a specific application (e.g., Zoho)
parent_account_idstringID of the parent account
parent_account_namestringName of the parent account
depthintegerDepth level of the account hierarchy
has_attachmentbooleanIndicates whether the account has attachments
is_child_presentbooleanIndicates whether the account has child accounts
child_countintegerNumber of child accounts
documentsstringDocuments associated with the account
created_timestringTime when the account was created
is_standalone_accountbooleanIndicates whether the account is a standalone account
last_modified_timestringTime when the account was last modified
organization_idstringID of the organization associated with the account
organization_namestringName of the organization associated with the account

Chart Account Transactions

Chart accounts transactions table. Where chart account transactions related to the chart account will be present

Column NameData TypeDescription
categorized_transaction_idstringID of the categorized transaction
transaction_typestringType of the transaction
transaction_idstringID of the transaction
transaction_datedateDate of the transaction
transaction_type_formattedstringFormatted type of the transaction
account_idstringID of the account associated with the transaction
customer_idstringID of the customer associated with the transaction
payeestringPayee of the transaction
descriptionstringDescription of the transaction
entry_numberstringEntry number of the transaction
currency_idstringID of the currency associated with the transaction
currency_codestringCode of the currency associated with the transaction
debit_or_creditstringIndicates whether the transaction is a debit or credit
offset_account_namestringName of the offset account associated with the transaction
reference_numberstringReference number associated with the transaction
debit_amountdoubleAmount debited from the account
credit_amountdoubleAmount credited to the account
fcy_debit_amountdoubleForeign currency amount debited from the account
fcy_credit_amountdoubleForeign currency amount credited to the account
organization_idstringID of the organization associated with the transaction
organization_namestringName of the organization associated with the transaction
act_idstringID of the activity associated with the transaction

Above are some of the tables which are mainly used for report generation to get insights on what’s happening in your zoho books. We can fetch more tables based on the requirement of your report.