Vidi Zoom Connector Tables


Below are the list of tables we are extracting


Webinars table scheduled by or on behalf a webinar host

Column NameData TypeDescription
agendaStringWebinar description. The agenda length gets truncated to 250 characters when you list all webinars for a user. To view the complete agenda, retrieve details for a single webinar, 
created_atDateTimeThe webinar’s creation time.
durationIntegerThe webinar’s duration, in minutes.
host_idStringThe host’s ID.
idIntegerThe webinar ID.
join_urlStringThe URL to join the webinar.
start_timeDateTimeThe webinar’s start time.
timezoneStringThe Webinar’s timezone
topicStringThe webinar’s topic.
typeIntegerThe webinar type.5 – A webinar.6 – A recurring webinar without a fixed time.9 – A recurring webinar with a fixed time.
uuidStringThe webinar’s universally unique identifier (UUID). Each webinar instance generates a webinar UUID.
is_simuliveBooleanWhether the webinar is simulive.


All the users that are registered for a webinar

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringRegistrant ID.
addressStringThe registrant’s address.
cityStringThe registrant’s city.
commentsStringThe registrant’s questions and comments.
countryStringThe registrant’s two-letter ISO country code.
custom_questionsArray of ObjectInformation about custom questions.<title, value>
email *EmailThe registrant’s email address. See Email address display rules for return value details.
first_name *StringThe registrant’s first name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
industryStringThe registrant’s industry.
job_titleStringThe registrant’s job title.
last_nameStringThe registrant’s last name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
no_of_employeesEnumThe registrant’s number of employees in range.
orgStringThe registrant’s organization.
phoneStringThe registrant’s phone number.
purchasing_time_frameEnumThe registrant’s purchasing time frame.
role_in_purchase_processEnumThe registrant’s role in the purchase process.
stateStringThe registrant’s state or province.
statusEnumThe status of the registrant’s registration.
zipStringThe registrant’s ZIP or postal code.
create_timeDate-TimeThe time when the registrant registered.
join_urlStringThe URL that an approved registrant can use to join the meeting or webinar.
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


Polls in a webinar

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringID of the Poll.
statusEnumStatus of the Poll.
anonymousBooleanAllow meeting participants to answer poll questions anonymously.
poll_typeIntegerThe type of poll.
questionsArrayInformation about the poll’s questions.
titleStringPool’s title
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


list of all the participants who attended a webinar hosted in the past.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringThe participant’s unique identifier.
nameStringThe participant’s name.
user_idStringThe participant’s ID assigned upon joining the webinar.
registrant_idStringThe participant’s unique registrant ID. Returns only if the registrant_id value is passed for include_fields query parameter. Does not return if the type query parameter is set to live.
user_emailEmailEmail address of the participant. Returns an empty string if the participant is not part of the host’s account, with some exceptions.
join_timeDateTimeThe participant’s join time.
leave_timeDateTimeThe participant’s leave time.
durationIntegerThe participant’s attendance duration.
failoverBooleanIndicates whether failover occurred during the webinar.
statusEnumThe participant’s status.
total_recordsIntegerThe total number of records available across all pages.
webinar_idIntegerId of the webinar


List absentees of a webinar.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idStringRegistrant ID.
addressStringThe registrant’s address.
cityStringThe registrant’s city.
commentsStringThe registrant’s questions and comments.
countryStringThe registrant’s two-letter ISO country code.
custom_questionsArrayInformation about custom questions.
email *EmailThe registrant’s email address. See Email address display rules for return value details.
first_name *StringThe registrant’s first name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
industryStringThe registrant’s industry.
job_titleStringThe registrant’s job title.
last_nameStringThe registrant’s last name. Constraints: Max 64 chars.
no_of_employeesEnumThe registrant’s number of employees.
orgStringThe registrant’s organization.
phoneStringThe registrant’s phone number.
purchasing_time_frameEnumThe registrant’s purchasing time frame.
role_in_purchase_processEnumThe registrant’s role in the purchase process.
stateStringThe registrant’s state or province.
statusEnumThe status of the registrant’s registration.
zipStringThe registrant’s ZIP or postal code.
create_timeDateTimeThe time when the registrant registered.
join_urlStringThe URL that an approved registrant can use to join the meeting or webinar.
webinar_idStringId of the webinar

We can fetch more tables based on the requirement like

  • Panelists
  • Past webinar pools
  • Meetings
  • Billing reports