This page lists the tables and columns that you would get as part of our Stripe integration.
If you need to extract additional tables or columns, please contact us. Customisations are available upon request.
FieldName | Description |
id | The unique identifier for the customer in Stripe. |
object | The type of object (e.g., “customer”). |
address | The customer’s billing address. | | The city of the customer’s billing address. | | The country of the customer’s billing address. |
address.line1 | The first line of the customer’s billing address. |
address.line2 | The second line of the customer’s billing address (if applicable). |
address.postal_code | The postal code of the customer’s billing address. |
address.state | The state or province of the customer’s billing address. |
balance | The current balance of the customer’s account (if applicable). |
created | The timestamp when the customer was created (in Unix time). |
currency | The currency associated with the customer (e.g., “usd”). |
default_source | The default payment source (e.g., card) for the customer. |
delinquent | Indicates whether the customer is delinquent (true/false). |
description | A description of the customer (if provided). |
discount | The discount applied to the customer (if applicable). |
The customer’s email address. | |
invoice_prefix | A prefix for customer invoices (if applicable). |
invoice_settings_custom_fields | Custom fields for the customer’s invoices. |
invoice_settings_default_payment_method | The default payment method for the customer’s invoices. |
invoice_settings_footer | Footer text for the customer’s invoices. |
invoice_settings_rendering_options | Rendering options for the customer’s invoices. |
livemode | Indicates whether the customer is in live mode (true) or test mode (false). |
metadata | Additional metadata associated with the customer. |
metadata.Address_Validation_Status | The status of the customer’s address validation. |
name | The customer’s full name. |
next_invoice_sequence | The sequence number for the customer’s next invoice. |
phone | The customer’s phone number. |
preferred_locales | The customer’s preferred locales (e.g., language preferences). |
shipping | The customer’s shipping address and details. |
shipping.address | The customer’s shipping address. | | The city of the customer’s shipping address. | | The country of the customer’s shipping address. |
shipping.address.line1 | The first line of the customer’s shipping address. |
shipping.address.line2 | The second line of the customer’s shipping address (if applicable). |
shipping.address.postal_code | The postal code of the customer’s shipping address. |
shipping.address.state | The state or province of the customer’s shipping address. | | The name associated with the customer’s shipping address. | | The phone number associated with the customer’s shipping address. |
tax_exempt | The tax exemption status of the customer (e.g., “none”, “exempt”). |
FieldName | Description |
id | The unique identifier for the balance transaction. |
object | The type of object, typically “balance_transaction”. |
amount | The amount of the transaction, in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents). |
available_on | The date when the funds will be available for payout. |
created | The timestamp when the transaction was created. |
currency | The currency in which the transaction was made (e.g., “usd”). |
description | A brief description of the transaction. |
exchange_rate | The exchange rate used for currency conversion, if applicable. |
fee | The total fees deducted from the transaction. |
fee_details | A list of detailed breakdowns of the fees. |
fee_details.amount | The amount of the fee. |
fee_details.application | The application fee associated with the transaction, if any. |
fee_details.currency | The currency of the fee. |
fee_details.description | A description of the fee. |
fee_details.type | The type of fee (e.g., “stripe_fee”, “application_fee”). |
net | The net amount of the transaction after fees. |
reporting_category | The category of the transaction (e.g., “charge”, “refund”). |
source | The source of the transaction (e.g., a charge ID or transfer ID). |
status | The status of the transaction (e.g., “pending”, “available”). |
type | The type of transaction (e.g., “charge”, “adjustment”). |
FieldName | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the charge. |
customer_id | Unique identifier for the customer associated with the charge. |
amount | Amount of the charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents). |
currency | Currency in which the charge was made (e.g., “usd”). |
description | Description of the charge, often provided by the merchant. |
status | Status of the charge (e.g., “succeeded”, “failed”, “pending”). |
created | Timestamp when the charge was created. |
paid | Indicates whether the charge was successfully paid (true/false). |
refunded | Indicates whether the charge has been fully or partially refunded (true/false). |
dispute | Indicates if there is a dispute associated with the charge. |
receipt_email | Email address to which the receipt for the charge was sent. |
metadata | Additional metadata associated with the charge. |
metadata.AvaTax Error | Indicates if there was an AvaTax-related error during the charge. |
metadata.Tax_Calculated | Indicates whether tax was calculated for the charge. |
metadata.med_product | Metadata field for medical product information, if applicable. |
metadata.product | Metadata field for product information associated with the charge. |
metadata.source | Source of the charge (e.g., “web”, “mobile”). |
metadata.user_id | Unique identifier for the user associated with the charge. |
FieldName | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the object. |
charge | ID of the charge that’s refunded. |
amount | Amount, in cents. |
currency | Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency. |
created | Created Date |
status | Status of the refund. This can be pending, requires action, succeeded, failed, or canceled. Learn more about failed refunds. |
reason | Reason for the refund, which is either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, or requested_ by_ customer) or generated by Stripe internally (expired_ uncaptured_ charge). |
metadata | Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. |