Vidi ClickUp Connector Tables

Vidi ClickUp Power BI connector easily allows connecting your data to Power BI, Tableau, Looker Studio, Excel and any other data visualisation tool of your choice. 

The data can be extracted from multiple Clickup spaces.

Vidi ClickUp Power BI connector extracts the most essential data from Clickup API, however, customisations are possible. If you can not find some data that you need, feel free to contact us. We are open to customizing our code for individual customers. 

The data comes in the following format: Clickup Connector.xlsx 

Below is the documentation for the tables inside the connector:

Data Structure


This table extracts the essential data for grouping tasks into lists, folders and spaces. 

idID of the folder
nameName of the folder
orderindexOrder index of a folder
statusStatus of the folder
priorityPriority of the folder
assigneeThe person responsible for list of tasks in a folder
task_countNumber of tasks in a list
due_dateDue date of the list of tasks
start_dateStart date of the list of tasks
archivedTrue/False referring to the list of tasks
override_statusesTrue/False referring to the list of tasks
permission_levelrefers to the permissions of a given user (create, edit, etc)
folder_hiddenTrue/False referring to the folder
folder_accessTrue/False referring to the folder
space_idId of the space
space_nameName of the space
space_accessTrue/False referring to the space
contentdescription of content of a list
List_colorHEX code for the color of the status
load_dateDate for when data is loaded


The tasks table contains data on tasks, time they took and they were supposed to take, their status, priority, etc. Both closed and open tasks are included in this table.
Custom fields are extracted for the tasks. On top of that the clickup links for the tasks are also available. 

Users responsible for the tasks are also extracted as well as their profile image urls, emails, etc.

idID of the task
custom_idName of the folder
nameName of the task
text_contentdescription of content of a task
descriptiondescription of content of a task
orderindexOrder of the task
date_createdDate the task is created
date_updatedDate the task is last updated
date_closedDate the task is closed
date_doneDate the task is marked as “done”
archivedTrue/Fals referring to the task
assigneesThe people responsible for the task. Contains names of the people, their initials, profile images and emails
watchersWatchers of the tasks
checklistsChecklists used for a particular task. Contains number of resolved and unresolved items within a checklist, group assignees and individual assignees
tagsTags of tasks that can be used to categorize them
parentparent task for child tasks
priorityPriority of the task
due_dateDue date of the task
start_dateStart date of the task
pointsPoints is a way to estimate number of effort a task would take
time_estimateTime estimate for the task
time_spentTime spent for the task
custom_fieldsYour custom fields and their values
dependenciesTask IDs of dependency tasks and user id of people responsible for them
linked_tasksTask IDs of linked tasks
locationsLocations for the tasks
team_idTeam ids
urlThe lisk to your task inside of clickup
status_statusThe status of a task
status_colorThe color of the task
status_typeThe type of the task
status_orderindexOrder of the status that can be used for sorting
creator_idID of user who created the task
creator_usernameUser name of the task creator
creator_colorHEX color of the icon for the user
creator_emailCreator email
creator_profilePictureCreator profile URL
list_idList id
list_nameName of the list
project_idProject ID
project_nameName of the project
folder_idFolder id 
folder_nameFolder name
space_idID of the space
priority_colorHEX Color code of the priority
priority_idID of the priority name
priority_orderindexOrder index for the priority id
priority_priorityPriority name of the task
load_dateDate for when data is loaded

Time Entries

This table return the all time entries that have been added to clickup automatically and manually

idID of the time entry
widID of the task
startStart date/time
endEnd date/time
durationDuration in seconds
descriptiondescription of the task
tagsTags categorising your time entries
sourceClickup/clickup automatic/etc
atSame as start date/time
task_urltask url in clickup
task_idID of the task
task_nametask name
task_status_statustask status
task_status_colorhex code for the status
task_status_typetask status type: closed/open/custom
task_status_orderindexindex used for sorting the status
task_custom_typeTask custom type
user_idUser ID
user_usernameUser Name
user_emailUser email
user_colorHEX code for the user icon
user_initialsUser initials
user_profilePictureuser profile picture url
task_location_list_idthe list id for the task
task_location_folder_idthe folder id for the list
task_location_space_idthe space id for the folder
load_dateDate for when data is loaded

Task status history

This table contains the history of task changes for every task. It can be used to calculate the number of time that every task was in a particular status.

task_idID of the task
current_status_statusCurrent status
current_status_colorHEX color code of the current status
current_status_total_time_by_minuteNumber of minutes the task has been in the current status
current_status_total_time_sinceThe date/time when the latest status change happened for the task
load_dateLoad date
history_statusPast statuses of a task
history_colorHEX color for the past statuses of the task
history_typerefers to the past task statuses: open/closed/custom
history_total_time_by_minuteTotal number of minutes that a task was in the statuses
history_total_time_sinceDate/time when the past statuses were changed
history_total_order_indexOrder index used to sort the past statuses

Vidi ClickUp Power BI connector extract your data from the source to Power BI or other BI tools.