Vidi CallRail Connector Tables


Accounts Table

idUnique identifier for the account
nameName of the account
outbound_recording_enabledIndicates if outbound call recording is enabled
hipaa_accountSpecifies if the account is HIPAA compliant
numeric_idNumeric representation of the account ID

Calls Table

answeredIndicates if the call was answered
business_phone_numberThe business phone number associated with the call
customer_cityCity of the customer calling
customer_countryCountry of the customer calling
customer_nameName of the customer
customer_phone_numberPhone number of the customer
customer_stateState of the customer
directionCall direction (inbound/outbound)
durationDuration of the call in seconds
idUnique identifier for the call
recordingLink to the call recording (if available)
recording_durationDuration of the call recording
recording_playerURL of the call recording player
start_timeTimestamp when the call started
tracking_phone_numberThe tracking number used for the call
voicemailIndicates if the call went to voicemail
call_typeType of call (e.g., missed, answered, voicemail)
company_idID of the company associated with the call
company_nameName of the company associated with the call
company_time_zoneTime zone of the company
created_atTimestamp when the call record was created
device_typeDevice type used for the call (mobile, landline)
first_callIndicates if this was the first call from the customer
formatted_call_typeHuman-readable format of the call type
formatted_customer_locationFormatted location details of the customer
formatted_business_phone_numberFormatted business phone number
formatted_customer_nameFormatted customer name
prior_callsNumber of previous calls from this customer
formatted_customer_name_or_phone_numberDisplay-friendly customer identifier
formatted_customer_phone_numberFormatted version of the customer’s phone number
formatted_durationHuman-readable duration of the call
formatted_tracking_phone_numberFormatted version of the tracking phone number
formatted_tracking_sourceSource of the tracking number
formatted_valueValue assigned to the call
good_lead_call_idID of the call marked as a good lead
good_lead_call_timeTimestamp when the call was marked as a good lead
lead_statusStatus of the lead (hot, warm, cold)
noteAny notes associated with the call
sourceSource of the call (Google Ads, Organic, etc.)
source_nameHuman-readable source name
tagsTags associated with the call
total_callsTotal number of calls from this customer
valueValue assigned to the call
waveformsAudio waveform data for visualization
tracker_idID of the tracking number used
speaker_percentPercentage of call time spoken by the agent
keywordsKeywords detected in the call
mediumMarketing medium that generated the call
campaignMarketing campaign that led to the call
referring_urlURL that referred the customer to call
landing_page_urlLanding page the customer visited before calling
last_requested_urlLast webpage visited before making the call
referrer_domainReferring domain of the call
utm_sourceUTM source parameter from the tracking link
utm_mediumUTM medium parameter from the tracking link
utm_termUTM term parameter from the tracking link
utm_contentUTM content parameter from the tracking link
utm_campaignUTM campaign parameter from the tracking link
utma, utmb, utmc, utmv, utmzGoogle Analytics tracking cookies
gaGoogle Analytics tracking ID
gclid, fbclid, msclkidGoogle, Facebook, and Microsoft click IDs
milestonesKey moments identified in the call
timeline_urlURL to view the call timeline
person_idUnique identifier of the person calling
transcriptionTranscription of the call (if available)
keywords_spottedKeywords identified in the call transcript
call_highlightsKey moments or highlights from the call
call_summaryAI-generated summary of the call
sentimentAI-determined sentiment of the call (positive, neutral, negative)
agent_emailEmail of the agent who handled the call
keypad_entriesKeypad inputs made during the call
zip_codeZIP code of the customer

Tags Table

tag_levelTag level
background_colorBackground color
company_idCompany identifier
created_atCreation timestamp

Companies Table

time_zoneTime zone
created_atCreation timestamp
disabled_atDisabled timestamp
dni_activeDNI active status
script_urlScript URL
callscore_enabledCall score enabled status
lead_scoring_enabledLead scoring enabled status
swap_exclude_jqueryExclude jQuery in swap
swap_ppc_overridePPC override for swap
swap_landing_overrideLanding override for swap
swap_cookie_durationSwap cookie duration
swap_cookie_duration_unitUnit for cookie duration
callscribe_enabledCallscribe enabled status
keyword_spotting_enabledKeyword spotting enabled
form_captureForm capture enabled status
verified_caller_idsVerified caller IDs

Users Table

emailEmail address
created_atCreation timestamp
roleUser role
first_nameFirst name
last_nameLast name
nameFull name
companiesAssociated companies

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