SEO Dashboards

Do you run SEO campaigns for your business? Or are you an agency managing SEO campaigns for your clients? SEO takes time to deliver results. That’s why you need to keep track of your campaigns along with time. A visually rich and an informative SEO dashboard will be able to help you with it.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for any website looking to drive organic traffic and increase visibility. However, tracking SEO performance can be complex with data spread across multiple platforms like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and more.

This is where SEO dashboards come into play. SEO dashboards compile all your essential SEO data into one centralized location, acting as a single source of truth. With intuitive data visualizations and at-a-glance metrics, SEO dashboards make reporting a breeze.

Anyone who is looking for an SEO dashboard can get in touch with us. We at Vidi Corp specializes in offering feature-rich dashboards to help manage any SEO campaign.

Features of Our SEO Dashboard

Our SEO dashboard solution offers a powerful set of features to help track, analyze, and optimize your organic search performance. With deep integrations across core data sources, flexible customization options, and powerful visualizations – our SEO dashboard checks all the boxes for your reporting needs.

    Data Integrations

SEO Dashboards

Our dashboard pulls from all the essential SEO data sources to fuel your analysis. This includes:

  • Google Analytics – For website traffic metrics, geographics, landing pages, behavior flow, conversions
  • Google Search Console – For impressions, clicks, CTR, rankings, queries
  • Google My Business – For local actions, searches, views and calls
  • Moz, Ahrefs, SEMrush – For backlinks, rankings, metrics

We use robust APIs and custom scripts to automatically consolidate data from these sources into our SQL cloud warehouse on a daily basis. This powers integrated, up-to-date reporting.

   Metric Customization

SEO Dashboards

With hundreds of SEO metrics to choose from across sources, our dashboard offers extreme flexibility. You can fully customize widgets, charts and KPI cards displayed to match your analysis priorities whether organic traffic, rankings, conversions or local.

  SEMrush Integration

SEMrush is one of the most powerful SEO tools available. It provides all types of useful data related to SEO. For example, you can keep track of your website impressions, clicks, CTR, and even average positioning on search engines for relevant keywords. We help you to visualize all these data points in a user-friendly dashboard.

SEO Dashboards

   Creative Visualizations

SEO Dashboards

Simply pulling SEO data isn’t enough. You need context, benchmarks and insights to make decisions. That’s why our skilled designers work closely with you to build intuitive, insightful visualizations aligned to your needs. From geographical heatmaps to competitor benchmarking – creative charts make your data stories shine.

Shareable Client Views

For SEO agencies and consultants managing data on behalf of clients – our dashboard supports white-labeled client views. This allows you to share customized, branded reporting containing only respective client data with them. You maintain full data access while clients see tailored reporting on their initiatives.

    Local SEO Reporting

With dedicated integration with Google My Business data, our dashboard provides unparalleled visibility into your local SEO performance. Key local metrics include searches, directions, calls, views and more. Breakdowns by region, city and zip code allow geo-targeted optimization.

    Rankings & Links Tracking

Our SEO dashboard allows you to specify key terms and pages for rankings and backlinks tracking. Historical graphs show average position and total backlinks movement over time. Configurable alerts trigger when key thresholds are crossed to maintain visibility.

    Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Our dashboard solution isn’t a one-time project. We offer ongoing maintenance, monitoring, troubleshooting and feature upgrades through monthly support contracts. You get peace of mind knowing your key SEO reporting system is kept updated.

With the in-depth integrations, customization range, insightful visualizations and local capabilities – our SEO dashboard provides the single source of truth to monitor organic growth and unlock more visibility.

Building SEO Dashboards: Our Game Plan

Here’s an overview of the process we follow to create your dashboard. We have a team of experts to take care of each and every step. As a result, you don’t need to worry about the quality of results we deliver.  

  • Data Integration

    Our engineers implement scripts to extract granular SEO metrics daily from Google Analytics, Search Console and more into cloud data platforms. APIs enable smooth data flows.

    • Data Consolidation

      We converge cross-platform SEO data flows into a centralized Sql warehouse. This allows integrated reporting with flexible filtering.

      • Custom Dashboard Design

        Our visualization artisans handcraft tailored SEO dashboards aligned to stakeholder analysis needs. Creative charts transform data into visual insights.

        • Permission Management

          We enable user roles and permissions to organize insights by client, campaign or other attributes. Privacy controls allow selective data visibility.

          • External Data Sharing Portals

            For digital consultancies, branded dashboard portals facilitate secure client SEO reporting. This promotes transparency on respective initiatives. We work along with you when creating this dashboard. As a result, you will be able to get your own requirements included in it. Our team wants to make sure that you are getting a useful and productive dashboard at the end of he day.

            Our clients usually gain full data pipeline ownership, bespoke dashboards, and ongoing support. The automation enhances productivity and future-proofs analysis.

            Our SEO Dashboard Deliverables

            Wonder what you will get when you create your SEO dashboard with us? Here’s an overview of what we deliver with our SEO dashboard.

            • Automated Data Pipelines

            Scripts extracting real-time SEO data from Google and other sources into cloud data platforms.

            • Custom SEO Dashboards

            Core deliverable – tailored interactive dashboards providing visibility into SEO efforts and strategies.

            • Creative Data Visuals

            We ideate solutions to transform complex SEO data points into understandable, insightful graphics.

            • Access Control Layers

            Configure user roles and permissions to filter SEO data visibility by client, campaign etc.

            • Uptime Monitoring & Upgrades

            We handle ongoing API and dashboard maintenance. Support new feature rollouts and custom requests.

            Get a Demo Dashboard

            SEO dashboards provide invaluable visibility into organic traffic, rankings, and overall program health. As demonstrated in these two examples for GA, GSC, and Google My Business, dashboards can tell comprehensive yet digestible data stories. They’re an SEO analyst’s greatest ally for reporting and gaining stakeholder buy-in.

            See examples and request a demo dashboard showcasing features aligned to your SEO analysis needs. Our team of experts is ready to guide you towards the right reporting solution for your requirements.