QuickBooks Online to Power BI: A Quick Setup using Connector

24 April 2024


To visualize QuickBooks Online data in Power BI effectively, you must automatically connect to it and retrieve the data in an easy-to-work-with format.

The tricky part lies in finding the “convenient data format” because the native Power BI connector to QuickBooks Online contains over 100 tables. Searching for the columns you need within it is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.

Instead of using the native QBO Power BI connector, there is a better way to extract Quickbooks Online data to Power BI which we will explore in this article. There are multiple benefits of using this method of extracting data:

  • All the data is grouped into tables like P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, etc. Just pick a table you need instead of trying to assemble it from 100+ others.
  • You can connect Quickbooks Online accounts to Power BI and combine them in a single dataset

You can see the data format you would get in Power BI through this link.


Importance of connecting Quickbooks Online data to Power BI

Not everyone needs to extract data from Quickbooks Online into Power BI. However, it is important for:

  1. Businesses who have multiple Quickbooks Accounts: accountancies, retail companies with one account per branch, real estate companies with one account per property, business owners who manage multiple companies. Extracting Quickbooks Online data to Power BI for these companies would allow to create consolidated view of all the entities in a single place.
  2. Businesses that value data visualisation and custom analysis. Some professionals feel that keeping data in Quickbooks Online limits the kind of analysis they can produce.
  3. Businesses that need to combine Quickbooks Online data with a different data source in Power BI. For example reporting simultaneously on financial data from Quickbooks and sales data in the CRM.

If you fall into one of those categories, the approach below would be the most convenient way of extracting Quickbooks Online data to Power BI for you.

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Overview of the QuickBooks Online to Power BI Setup

Instead of using the native connector to QBO connector in Power BI, we will be demonstrating the Quickbooks connector by Vidi Corp. This connector extracts the Quickbooks Online data to Azure SQL database which can later be connected to Power BI or any other reporting tool of your choice.

There are multiple advantages of extracting Quickbooks Online data to Azure SQL Server before loading it to Power BI:

  • Quickbooks Online accounts often contain large volumes of data. As a data warehouse solution, Azure SQL Server is well-equipped for sending large number of requests to Quickbooks Online and combining the data together. By using Azure SQL Server, you let it do all the heavy data operations and then you can use Power BI for lighter data transformation and visualisation work.
  • Azure SQL Server is natively integrated with Power BI. Both systems are owned by Microsoft which leads to a seamless integration.
  • By using Azure SQL Server in the middle, the Vidi Corp transforms the data to a convenient format before returning it to our clients. This results in tables like P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, etc. Essentially we take care of your data transformation so that you have to don’t have to do it!

If you want to set this connector set up for yourself, follow this simple 4 steps below or follow our video guide:

1. You register an account on the Vidi Corp Power BI Connectors platform.

2. Navigate to the “Install” tab after you log in. This is a menu for creating the tables that you need inside of your database of choice. You can add your Azure SQL Server details in here or simply choose to use “Vidi Database”. One you click “Install”, the script would create the tables inside of your database. Your Quickbooks data would flow to these tables once you connect your account to the system.

See also  Power BI data connectors - A Complete Guide
Install Menu for Vidi Corp Quickbooks to Power BI connector

3. Once the tables are created, you would be automatically redirected to the next menu where you can connect your Quickbooks data to the system. Simply click on the green button to “connect new company” to start the process.

Menu for connecting your Quickbooks account to our Power BI connector

You would then need to select a Quickbooks company to connect to Power BI and click next.

Select Quickbooks Company to connect to Power BI

After this you will be automatically redirected to the same table as before. You will see your company name in the table.

Successful Connection of the Quickbooks Online Account

You can use the “Refresh Status” tab to monitor the load of your data. Once the load reaches 100%, your data will be fully ready to use.

Once all the historical Quickbooks Online data is extracted to Azure SQL, the software will take care of automatic table refresh going forward. This table refresh can be scheduled based on the customer needs. The standard is every 30 minutes but Vidi Corp is actively working on the “Refresh Settings” tab where a client would be able to refresh the database on a custom schedule.

If you go back to the install tab, you will be able to click the blue button to “Send database string” to your registered email.

Send database string button

You will then receive an email like the one below. You can use the details from this email to connect Power BI to your Azure SQL Server database.

Email containing the database connection string
  • You will then be able to connect Power BI to the Quickbooks Online data inside of the Azure SQL database. Simply use the Azure SQL Server connector in Power BI to pull the data.


Using Quickbooks Online data in Power BI

Now that everything is set up, we can explore the data format inside of Power BI. You can do this by installing the free Power BI Quickbooks Online template or creating your own from scratch.

Let’s start with the P&L Detail table. Every row in this table is a transaction. We get the transaction date and value in the first 2 columns and transaction description as the forth column.

QuickBooks Online to Power BI: A Quick Setup using Connector

If we scroll to the right, we can see that all the transactions are grouped to accounts the same way as in the P&L statement of Quickbooks Online. We can also filter this table by accounting method: cash or accrual. This means that in our Power BI report either one of those should be selected in a filter for the numbers to make sense. Class data is also available in this table as well as Quickbooks account name.

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QuickBooks Online to Power BI: A Quick Setup using Connector

As you see, with this connector it only takes one table to analyse your P&L metrics.  We can now use this table to create analysis like below.

Quickbooks Power BI Template
P&L page from our free Power BI Quickbooks Online template

You can view more Power BI templates that can be produced with the data from this connector here.

Let’s now take a look at the Balance Sheet table. Again, the data format in this table mirrors the Quickbooks Online Balance Sheet report. The first columns give us amount value, date of the transaction and the description of this transaction.

QuickBooks Online to Power BI

Just like before, all the transactions are grouped into account groups with 3 levels mirroring the Quickbooks Online report data format. You can also filter this table by accounting method: (cash or accrual) and Quickbooks account name.

QuickBooks Online to Power BI

Again, we only need one table to create a Balance Sheet Power Bi report using the Quickbooks Online data.

Balance Sheet Power BI Quickbooks Online Template

You can read more about this template or view other Power BI templates with Quickbooks Online data here.


The Quickbooks Online Power BI connector discussed in this article allows companies to extract data in a very convenient format. Having all your data grouped in tables like P&L, Balance Sheet, etc saves dozens of developer hours since no data blending work is needed to produce the reports. Ability to combine several Quickbooks Online accounts into a single Power BI dashboard is also extremely useful for companies with segregated data.

The connector software is continuously maintained and new features are added over time. All the clients get maintenance with the connector and get access to the new features once they are released.


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