Linkedin Ads Data Connector

Linkedin Ads connector enables our customers to extract data from Linkedin Ads Campaign Manager into any reporting tool of their choice including Power BI, Tableau, Looker Studio and many more. 

The data can be extracted from multiple Linkedin Ads accounts. 

It extracts the most essential data from Linkedin Ads API, however, customisations are possible.

If you can not find some data that you need, feel free to contact us. We are open to customizing our code for individual customers. 

The data comes in the following format: Linkedin Ads Connector.xlsx

We charge a one-off set up fee for our connector and no subscription.

Below is the documentation for the tables inside the Linkedin ads connector:

All Analytics

This table returns the daily metric values for every campaign id.

campaign_idCampaign ID
sharesNumber of shares
externalWebsiteConversionsNumber of website conversions
landingPageClicksNumber of landing page clicks
costInLocalCurrencyCost in local currency
impressionsNumber of impressions
likesNumber of likes
commentsNumber of comments
followsNumber of follows
reactionsNumber of reactions
leadGenerationMailContactInfoSharesNumber of mail contact info shares
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicksNumber of interested clicks
oneClickLeadsNumber of one click leads
oneClickLeadFormOpensNumber of lead form opens
costInUsdCost in USD

All Campaigns

This table returns more information about every campaign. It can be joined to All analytics using campaign ID.

idCampaign ID
nameCampaign Name
accountLinkedin Campaign Manager account IDs
pacingStrategyBudget pacing strategy. This could be lifetime, daily, etc
typeCampaign type
optimizationTargetTypeThe targeted metric to optimize for the linkedin algorithm. This could be CPM, number of leads, number of clicks, etc
costTypeCost type
creativeSelectionOptimised/not optimized
campaign_formatSingle video, carousel, standard update, etc
objectiveTypeVideo View, Lead Gen, Brand Awareness, Engagement
associatedEntityorganization id running linkedin ads
campaignGroupCampaign Group ID
totalBudget_currencyCodeCurrency code for the ads. Blank if the pacing strategy is daily.
totalBudged_amountTotal Budgeted amount in the selected currency. Blank if the pacing strategy is daily
dailyBudget_currencyCodeCurrency code for the ads. Blank if the pacing strategy is lifetime.
dailyBudget_amountTotal Budgeted amount in the selected currency. Blank if the pacing strategy is lifetime
locale_countryLocale Country
locale_languageLocale Language code
runSchedule_startDate/time for the start of ads
runSchedule_endDate/time for the end of ads
servingStatusesServing status of the account.  If an account is eligible for serving, then this array will have a single element: RUNNABLE Otherwise, this array will contain one or more reasons why the account is not servable
versionTagEach entity has a version tag associated with it. The version tag is initiated to 1 when the entity is created. Each single update to the entity increases its version tag by 1.
unitCost_currencyCodeCurrency for bids per result of your campaigns
unitCost_amountamount to be bid per result such as a lead, follower, etc

Insight Tags

This table contains the list of all the tag ids and websites where your linkedin insights tags are installed. These tags are needed for linkedin conversion tracking on your websites.

If you want to check which website have the tag and which ones are missing it, you will be able to see this inside of this table.

insightTagInsight tag ID
domainNameDomain Name where the tag is installed
createdDate/time created
lastCallbackAtDate/time of last callback