Google Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard

Google Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard

Google Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard template by Vidi solves major problem for you while answering the following questions.

  • How does your website rank on Google Search?
  • What is the number of organic impressions your website receives?
  • How many organic clicks does your website receive?
  • What is your click-through rate (CTR)?
  • Which keywords have the best/worst performance in terms of impressions, clicks, CTR, and position?
  • What are your top/bottom landing pages?
  • How does your performance vary by search type and device type?
  • In which countries do you have the best/worst performance in terms of impressions, clicks, CTR, and position?


Vidi Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard:

 User-friendly interface: Our intuitive dashboard design and a user-friendly interface allow individuals, even those without deep technical expertise, to easily visualise reports.

* Customised reports: Our solution enables the creation of reports specifically tailored to the target audience, which is crucial for effectively communicating SEO information.

* Data visualization: The tool allows visualization of any combination of data, making it easier to convey your complex information in a more understandable format.

This report visualizes the following dimensions and metrics such as:

– Performance by Search Query

– Top Search Queries

– Landing Page

– Performance by Device

– Performance by Country

– Google Search Impressions

– Google Search Clicks

– CTR (Clicks per Impression)

    Covered Metrics:

Summary KPIs:

Google Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard
InputOutputSpecialized Advanced Techniques
Specified PeriodLanding Page FilterQuery FilterDevice CategoriesKPI cards showing Impressions & Clicks & CTR & Average PositionTrend over timeComparison between Clicks & ImpressionsComparison with a previous period      

Landing  Page & Query Page:

Google Search Console Looker Studio Dashboard
InputOutputSpecialized Advanced Techniques
Specified PeriodLanding Page FilterQuery FilterDevice CategoriesSort MetricTable details showing Landing Page / Query Page breakdown per Avr Position & Impressions & Clicks & CTRcomparison with a previous periodClickable Landing Page Link.Custom Sort Displays values with adjacent bars

Search Monthly:

InputOutputSpecialized Advanced Techniques
Specified PeriodLanding Page FilterQuery FilterDevice CategoriesDual-axis chart with monthly clicks (line) and impressions (bar).  Merged clicks and impressions into one chart for easy month-by-month comparison.

Devices Pages:

InputOutputSpecialized Advanced Techniques
Specified PeriodLanding Page FilterQuery FilterDevice CategoriesSort MetricBar chart showing Site CTR Per DeviceTable details showing Device category breakdown per site CTRcomparison with a previous periodCustom Sort Displays values with adjacent bars

Geo Analysis Page:

InputOutputSpecialized Advanced Techniques
Specified PeriodLanding Page FilterQuery FilterDevice CategoriesSort MetricBar chart showing Impressions per country.Table details showing Impressions breakdown per countrycomparison with a previous periodCustom Sort Displays values with adjacent bars