Formidable Forms Connector

Formidable Forms Connector

Formidable Forms is a powerful WordPress plugin for creating forms that empowers users to create a wide range of forms, from simple contact forms to complex solutions-focused forms. One of its standout features is the ability to seamlessly connect with other services and tools through Formidable Forms Connector.

Formidable Connectors are integrations that bridge the gap between your forms and external systems. They allow you to exchange data, automate processes, and enhance user experiences.

Let’s dive into the key aspects of Formidable Connectors:

Sometimes, you may need to fetch data from Formidable Forms and load it into a database for further processing or analysis. 

Vidi simplifies this process using our own connector, and can automate this process efficiently.

The key difference between this formidable connector and all the others is that we extract the data on form logs as well as entries. As a result, you can analyze the success ratio of form submissions and errors that come up when submitting a form.

We fetch the form entries & form logs of all the sites within an account. Form entries give you the leverage to analyze how many people are actually enquiring and are getting converted. With Form logs you can analyze how many of the requests are getting failed due to various reasons.


Advantages of Using Formidable Form Connectors

  1. Efficiency: Connectors eliminate manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time.
  2. Enhanced Data Accessibility: Centralized Data Storage: By fetching forms data and storing it in a centralized database, you make the data more accessible to various teams and systems within your organization.
  3. Integration with Other Systems: Centralized data can be easily integrated with other business systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Business Intelligence (BI) tools.
  4. Enhanced User Experience: Seamlessly integrate forms with other tools, providing a smooth experience for users.
  5. Advanced Data Analysis and Reporting By storing form data in a database, you can leverage advanced querying and reporting tools to generate comprehensive reports. This can include trend analysis, performance metrics, and predictive analytics. BI tools can create customizable dashboards that provide visual insights into your data, making it easier to identify patterns and trends.
  6. Flexibility: Customize connectors to fit your specific needs.



idSTRINGUnique identifier for the form
form_keySTRINGKey associated with the form
nameSTRINGName of the form
descriptionSTRINGDescription of the form
statusSTRINGCurrent status of the form
parent_form_idSTRINGID of the parent form, if applicable
logged_inSTRINGIndicates if the form requires login
is_templateSTRINGIndicates if the form is a template
editableSTRINGIndicates if the form is editable
created_atSTRINGTimestamp of when the form was created
linkSTRINGURL link to the form
siteSTRINGSite associated with the form
options*STRINGMiscellaneous form options as separate columns
_links_selfSTRINGSelf-referential link for the form resource
_links_collectionSTRINGLink to the collection the form belongs to
_links_fieldsSTRINGLink to the fields of the form
load_dateSTRINGDate when the form data was loaded


idSTRINGUnique identifier for the record
item_keySTRINGKey identifying the item
nameSTRINGName of the item or entity
ipSTRINGIP address associated with the record
form_idSTRINGIdentifier for the form
post_idSTRINGIdentifier for the post
user_idSTRINGIdentifier for the user
parent_item_idSTRINGIdentifier for the parent item
is_draftSTRINGIndicates if the item is a draft
updated_bySTRINGUser who last updated the record
created_atSTRINGTimestamp when the record was created
updated_atSTRINGTimestamp when the record was last updated
siteSTRINGSite associated with the record
meta*STRINGAll metadata fields in separate columns
load_dateSTRINGDate when the record was loaded


IDSTRINGA unique identifier for each post.
post_authorSTRINGThe author of the post.
post_dateSTRINGThe date and time when the post was created.
post_date_gmtSTRINGThe GMT date and time when the post was created.
post_titleSTRINGThe title of the post.
post_excerptSTRINGA brief summary or extract of the post content.
post_statusSTRINGThe status of the post (e.g., published, draft, pending).
comment_statusSTRINGThe status of commenting on the post (e.g., open, closed).
ping_statusSTRINGThe status of pingbacks/trackbacks on the post.
post_passwordSTRINGPassword protection for the post.
post_nameSTRINGThe slug or permalink of the post.
to_pingSTRINGURLs to ping.
pingedSTRINGURLs pinged.
post_modifiedSTRINGThe date and time when the post was last modified.
post_modified_gmtSTRINGThe GMT date and time when the post was last modified.
post_content_filteredSTRINGFiltered content of the post.
post_parentSTRINGID of the parent post.
guidSTRINGGlobal Unique Identifier of the post.
menu_orderSTRINGOrder of the post in a menu.
post_typeSTRINGType of the post (e.g., post, page).
post_mime_typeSTRINGMime type of the post.
comment_countSTRINGNumber of comments on the post.
body_statusSTRINGStatus of the body (if applicable).
body_responsesSTRINGResponses received from the body (if applicable).
response_codeSTRINGHTTP response code.
response_messageSTRINGMessage corresponding to the response code.
cookiesSTRINGCookies associated with the request.
filenameSTRINGName of the file.
http_response_dataSTRINGData received from the HTTP response.
http_response_headersSTRINGHeaders of the HTTP response.
http_response_statusSTRINGStatus of the HTTP response.
post_content_body_statusSTRINGStatus of the body content in the post.
post_content_body_responsesSTRINGResponses received from the body content in the post.
post_content_response_codeSTRINGHTTP response code for the post content.
post_content_response_messageSTRINGMessage corresponding to the response code for the post content.
post_content_cookiesSTRINGCookies associated with the post content.
post_content_filenameSTRINGName of the file associated with the post content.
post_content_http_response_dataSTRINGData received from the HTTP response for the post content.
post_content_http_response_headersSTRINGHeaders of the HTTP response for the post content.
post_content_http_response_statusSTRINGStatus of the HTTP response for the post content.
post_contentSTRINGContent of the post.
body_idSTRINGID of the body (if applicable).
body_company_idSTRINGID of the company associated with the body (if applicable).
body_company_external_idSTRINGExternal ID of the company associated with the body (if applicable).
body_first_nameSTRINGFirst name of the body (if applicable).
body_last_nameSTRINGLast name of the body (if applicable).
body_addressSTRINGAddress of the body (if applicable).
body_citySTRINGCity of the body (if applicable).
body_stateSTRINGState of the body (if applicable).
body_zipSTRINGZIP code of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_homeSTRINGHome phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_mobileSTRINGMobile phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_workSTRINGWork phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_home_formattedSTRINGFormatted home phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_mobile_formattedSTRINGFormatted mobile phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_phone_work_formattedSTRINGFormatted work phone number of the body (if applicable).
body_emailSTRINGEmail address of the body (if applicable).
body_contact_method_nameSTRINGContact method name of the body (if applicable).
body_source_nameSTRINGSource name of the body (if applicable).
body_tag_listSTRINGTag list associated with the body (if applicable).
body_avatarSTRINGAvatar image of the body (if applicable).
body_social_linkSTRINGSocial media links of the body (if applicable).
body_salespersonSTRINGSalesperson associated with the body (if applicable).
body_trial_end_atSTRINGEnd date of the trial period for the body (if applicable).
body_trial_days_quantitySTRINGNumber of days in the trial period for the body (if applicable).
body_genderSTRINGGender of the body (if applicable).
body_birthdaySTRINGBirthday of the body (if applicable).
body_sms_opted_outSTRINGOpt-out status for SMS communications for the body (if applicable).
body_abcfin_statusSTRINGABC/Fin status of the body (if applicable).
body_email_opted_outSTRINGOpt-out status for email communications for the body (if applicable).
post_content_body_idSTRINGID of the body content in the post (if applicable).
post_content_body_company_idSTRINGID of the company associated with the