Fixed Price Supermetrics Alternative

The Supermetrics alternative that saves you $$$$$s

Imagine having all the benefits of Supermetrics and better personalized customer support – at only a fraction of the price? Stop paying over the odds and go unlimited. Unlimited data sources, unlimited users and unlimited clients. Pay a one-off fixed fee instead of expensive monthly retainers.

Access more data from more sources. Serve more clients. Save thousands of dollars, and invoice thousands more with Vidi Corp’s “SuperSupermetrics”. The smart low-cost, high-performance alternative that agencies love.

This Vidi Corp solution has multiple advantages over Supermetrics and the other software providers

The fixed price model saves you money vs ongoing subscription.

Supermetrics connects to a limited number of data sources. Our service-based solutions enables you to extract data from sources that are not covered by Supermetrics.

Supermetrics do not customize their product for the needs of every customer but we do! If you need to extract additional columns that are not available in Supermetrics, we can customize our code to extract those columns for you!

Vidi Corp Connectors

Schedule your fact-finding call today and get a
free ‘metrics that matter’ consultation
(worth more than $350!)

Ways we can help

Small Agency

Save $5k+

  • 2x users
  • Access data from Facebook Ads or Instagram
  • Up to 10 clients

Supermetrics ~ $2376 a year

Vidicorp – One off cost $1999 USD including 3 years support.


saving over 3 years

Medium Agency

Save $28k +

  • 3x users
  • Dashboards from 3-4 data sources
  • 10-20 clients

Supermetrics $12,000 per year

Vidicorp – One-off cost $6,999 USD including 3 years support


saving over 3 years

Large Agency

Save $80k +

  • 5+ users
  • Сustom number of data sources
  • Database integration
  • 20+ clients

Supermetrics $25,000 per year

Vidicorp – $19,999 for up to 5 data source connections including 3 years.

~$50 000

saved every year over 3 years

98% client satisfaction rate

89% of clients would happily refer us on

(the other 9% want to keep us to themselves)

100%, 21-day money-back guarantee.

to extract accurate, useable, insightful data – you won’t pay a penny.

Schedule your fact-finding call today and get a
free ‘metrics that matter’ consultation
(worth more than $350!)

“We were looking closely at using Supermetrics for all its brilliant integration and analysis. Imagine how happy we were to discover Vidicorp who gave us all that and much more including more integrations and a bespoke set-up at a much lower cost”

Jesse Snodgrass

1180 Co

“The Vidi team provided really ingenious solutions to very complex problems”

Mariyan Rangalov



“Absolutely fundamental to the stability of our company”

Gabriel Murry


LIft Consultancy

“What took 15 or 16 hours now takes only two”

Natalie Anderson

HR & QA Manager

Steward’s Lawn Care

Schedule your fact-finding call today and get a
free ‘metrics that matter’ consultation
(worth more than $350!)

A Superpowered Supermetrics – at a sensational price

The simplest, smartest and most cost-effective way to transform data into $$$$s

  • Discover new ‘hidden in plain sight’ data sources for new revenue opportunities.
  • Discover new ‘hidden in plain sight’ data sources for new revenue opportunities.
  • Learn the ‘secrets’ of Automated PPC reporting. See how they add to your bottom line.
  • Accessing the right data is only the start. Learn the three ‘essential’ steps every smart market needs to harness to serve more clients (at a lower cost).
  • The fixed cost dividend, why it’s important for your business and how the benefits compound month on month.
  • How to monitor daily ad spend with granular precision to spot previously invisible revenue streams.
  • See how even junior marketers and technical ‘novices’ can use start to monetise reporting from day one.
  • Why data warehousing and Looker Studio dashboards help you retain more of your fees.
  • 3 ways to make sure your reporting (and your fees) are always scaleable.
  • Work smarter not harder and make more money. We’ll show you how ‘holism’ creates endless new money-making opportunities.
  • Importing data into Data Studio from Supermetrics is free right? Wrong. Find out how to save $1000s a month with a one-off integration.
  • How custom data connections offer extends the customer lifetime value (CLV) and reveal unexpected new profits.
  • The truth about dashboards and what your clients really want to see so they increase spend and sign up for longer.
  • The simple (yet powerful) “Super dashboards” integrations that give you (and your clients) way more than just troubleshooting, campaign optimisation and pretty visuals.
  • The “set-and-forget” integrations to extract data for 40+ Facebook ad accounts and 40+ GA4 properties with the single touch of button.
Schedule your fact-finding call today and get a
free ‘metrics that matter’ consultation
(worth more than $350!)