From Spreadsheets to Business Intelligence: Excel vs Power BI

25 July 2023

In the realm of data analysis and visualisation, Microsoft provides two powerful tools: Excel and Power BI. Both applications offer unique features and capabilities that cater to different data analysis needs. This article aims to compare Excel and Power BI, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, to help you make an informed decision on which tool to use for your data analysis projects.

Excel vs Power BI, which is better?

Both tools serve the purpose of data analysis and visualisations. The choice of a reporting tool between Excel and Power BI depends on the requirements and the underlying data infrastructure. Below is the summary of the features and functionalities of both tools in the table:

Feature Excel Power BI
Launch year 1985 2015
Purpose Spreadsheet software for data analysis, calculations, and simple visualizations. Business Intelligence tool for data modelling, analysis, and visualization.
Data Size Suitable for small to moderately-sized datasets Designed to handle large datasets and big data efficiently.
Data Modelling Limited data modelling capabilities Robust data modelling features, including complex relationships, hierarchies, calculated columns, etc.
Cost Generally, one license covers all the functionality of Excel. Offers different pricing plans based on cloud services and features.
Data transformation Basic data cleaning and transformation features are available. Advanced data cleaning and transformation with Power Query
Performance May experience performance issues with large datasets or complex operations. Optimised performance with large datasets and resource-intensive tasks.

Excel Overview

Microsoft Excel is a widely used spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is a part of the Microsoft Office suite and is available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS platforms. Excel is designed to help users create, manage, analyse, and present data in tabular form, making it an indispensable tool for businesses, academics, and individuals.

At its core, Excel consists of a grid of cells organised into rows and columns. Each cell can hold various types of data, such as numbers, text, dates, and formulas. Users can perform a wide range of calculations and manipulations using built-in functions and formulas, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and modeling.

Excel offers a user-friendly interface with various features that facilitate data entry and manipulation. Users can customize the appearance of cells, apply formatting styles, and create visually appealing spreadsheets. It also supports conditional formatting, which allows users to highlight cells based on specific criteria, making it easier to identify patterns and trends in the data.

One of Excel's most powerful features is its ability to create and manage formulas. Users can use a variety of mathematical operators, functions, and references to perform calculations on data. Formulas can be as simple as adding two numbers together or as complex as analysing large datasets using advanced statistical functions. By using relative and absolute cell references, users can easily replicate formulas across different cells, saving time and effort.

Excel's data analysis capabilities extend beyond basic calculations. It offers a wide range of tools for sorting, filtering, and summarising data. PivotTables and PivotCharts allow users to create dynamic summaries and visualisations of large datasets, enabling them to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Collaboration is also a significant aspect of Excel. Users can share their workbooks with others, either by sending files or through cloud-based storage services like OneDrive or SharePoint. Multiple users can simultaneously work on the same workbook, and Excel provides tools for tracking changes, and comments, and resolving conflicts.

Excel's capabilities are not limited to numeric data. It also offers features for managing and analyzing text data, such as text-to-columns, text functions, and data validation. Additionally, Excel supports integration with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and PowerPoint, allowing users to create dynamic reports and presentations using live data from Excel.

In recent years, Microsoft has been continuously improving Excel and introducing new features through regular updates. These updates have focused on enhancing collaboration, data analysis, and integration with other services like Power BI and Microsoft 365.

Power BI Overview

Power BI is a leading business intelligence and data visualisation platform developed by Microsoft. It empowers users to transform raw data from various sources into meaningful and interactive insights, helping organisations make data-driven decisions. As a cloud-based service, Power BI is accessible from any device with an internet connection, making it a versatile tool for data analysis and reporting.

At its core, Power BI revolves around creating data models that consolidate and relate different datasets. Users can connect to a wide range of data sources, including Excel files, SQL databases, cloud services like Azure, Salesforce, and other online platforms. Power Query, a data transformation tool within Power BI, enables users to clean, shape, and combine data from multiple sources, ensuring that the data is accurate and ready for analysis.

Once the data is loaded into Power BI, users can design interactive reports and dashboards using a drag-and-drop interface. Visualisations such as charts, tables, maps, and gauges can be added to the canvas, and data can be sliced, filtered, and drilled down to uncover insights from different angles. The visuals are highly customisable, allowing users to apply various formatting options to ensure the reports align with their brand or specific requirements.

Power BI also offers advanced data modeling capabilities. Users can create relationships between tables to build hierarchies and define calculated columns and measures using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). DAX is a powerful formula language that allows for complex calculations and aggregations, enabling users to create dynamic and sophisticated measures.

Collaboration and sharing are vital components of Power BI. Users can publish their reports and dashboards to the Power BI service, where they can be securely shared with others within the organization or externally with clients and stakeholders. Recipients can interact with the reports, apply filters, and access real-time data updates. Power BI also offers content packs and app workspaces, allowing users to share pre-built dashboards and reports with specific groups, ensuring consistent data analysis across teams.

For organisations that require on-premises solutions, Power BI offers Power BI Report Server, allowing users to deploy and manage reports and dashboards locally within their network, ensuring data security and compliance.

Power BI has seen continuous improvement and expansion since its launch. Microsoft regularly releases updates, adding new features, connectors to various data sources, and integration with other Microsoft products like Azure, Excel, and SharePoint.

Power BI vs Excel (Cost)

Microsoft Excel is typically licensed as part of the Microsoft Office suite, which offers various plans for individual users, small businesses, and enterprises. The cost of Excel is usually included in the subscription fee for Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365). Users pay a monthly $7 or $70 annual fee based on the selected plan, which may vary depending on the features and number of devices licensed.

Power BI offers different pricing plans that cater to different user needs and organisation sizes.

Power BI provides a free version called Power BI Desktop, which allows users to create and view reports and dashboards on their local machines but lacks sharing and collaboration features. For sharing and collaborating on reports, the cloud-based service called Power BI Pro is available on a per-user subscription basis. It offers additional features for sharing, collaboration, and data refresh capabilities.

For larger organisations with more extensive requirements, there is the option of Power BI Premium. Power BI Premium is licensed on a capacity-based model and provides enhanced performance, dedicated resources, and other advanced features. It allows organisations to share reports and dashboards with a broader audience without requiring individual Power BI Pro licenses for each user. Cost of Power BI licensing is as follows:

  • Power BI Pro- $10 Per user/month
  • Power Bi Premium - $20 per user/month
  • Power BI Premium Capacity-$4995/month

Power BI vs Excel (Connectors)

Microsoft Excel's data connectors are more limited compared to Power BI. While Excel does provide some connectivity options, its primary focus is on working with local data and basic external data sources.

The number of built-in data connectors in Excel varies based on the version and edition of Microsoft Office. Currently, Excel has over 40 built-in data connectors. The most commonly used data connectors in Excel include:

  • Flat Files: Excel allows importing data from various flat file formats like CSV, TXT, and XML.
  • SQL Databases: Excel supports connecting to SQL databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle using ODBC or OLE DB connections.
  • Online Services: Excel provides data connectors for connecting to online services like SharePoint lists, OneDrive, and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
  • Web Queries: Users can create web queries in Excel to extract data from websites and web pages directly into a worksheet.
  • Power Query: Excel's Power Query feature enables users to connect to various data sources, similar to Power BI's Power Query. However, Excel's Power Query may have a more limited set of connectors compared to Power BI.

Power BI offers a wide range of data connectors, providing users with extensive options for connecting to various data sources and importing data for analysis and visualisation. The number of data connectors in Power BI is constantly expanding as Microsoft regularly introduces updates and new connectors based on user needs and industry demands. Currently Power BI has over 200 built-in data connectors, which include connectors for popular databases, cloud-based services, online platforms, on-premises data sources, and more. Some of the commonly used data connectors in Power BI include:

Microsoft Azure Services: Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Analysis Services, etc.

SQL Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.

Cloud-based Services: SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Google Analytics, Salesforce, Dynamics 365, and more.

Power BI vs Excel (AI Capabilities)

Artificial intelligence (AI) features are provided by Power BI and Excel to improve data analysis and visualization. However, Excel's AI features are primarily concentrated on helping users with fundamental data analysis and productivity tasks, whereas Power BI's AI capabilities are often more sophisticated and oriented towards business intelligence and data modeling. Here is a comparison of Excel and Power BI's AI capabilities:

Power BI AI Capabilities:

Quick Insights: Power BI provides a feature called Quick Insights, which automatically analyses data and generates potential insights, patterns, and trends from the data. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify interesting aspects of the data that users might not have considered, making it easier to uncover valuable insights quickly.

Q&A (Natural Language Query): Power BI allows users to ask questions about their data in natural language using the Q&A feature. This AI-powered capability interprets the user's questions and generates relevant visualisations and answers in real-time, enabling users to interact with the data using intuitive language queries.

Key Influencers: Power BI includes the Key Influencers visual, which uses AI capabilities to identify factors that have the most significant impact on a particular data point. It helps users understand the drivers behind specific data outcomes and supports decision-making based on data analysis.

AutoML (Automated Machine Learning): Power BI integrates with Azure Machine Learning to offer AutoML capabilities. Users can create machine learning models without the need for extensive coding or data science expertise, allowing them to apply predictive analytics to their data and generate forecasts.

Excel AI Capabilities:

Ideas: Excel offers the Ideas feature, which uses AI to provide suggested insights and patterns based on the data in the spreadsheet. It can recommend charts, pivot tables, and other visualisations that are relevant to the data, assisting users in quickly summarising and analysing information.

Stock and Geography Data Types: Excel has AI-powered data types for stocks and geographies. Users can convert text-based data about stocks or geographic locations into linked data types, which allows Excel to retrieve and update relevant information automatically. For example, users can convert a company name into a stock data type, and Excel will retrieve real-time stock information.

Smart Lookup: Excel includes the Smart Lookup feature, which uses AI to provide contextually relevant information from the web. Users can highlight a word or phrase and use Smart Lookup to retrieve definitions, explanations, and additional details from online sources without leaving the spreadsheet.

Power BI vs Excel (Collaboration & Integration)

Excel supports collaboration, but it can be challenging to manage shared datasets and reports. Sharing Excel files through email or network drives may lead to versioning issues and a lack of real-time collaboration. Excel integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and PowerPoint. It also supports Power Query, which allows users to connect to various data sources for importing data.

Power BI encourages team collaboration with its Power BI Service and Workspaces. Users can publish reports to the cloud-based service, where multiple team members can access and collaborate on the same report simultaneously. This fosters real-time collaboration and ensures everyone is working with the latest data. Power BI offers tight integration with other Microsoft tools and Azure services. It can connect to a wide range of data sources, including on-premises databases, cloud-based services, and online platforms, providing a seamless data flow and analysis experience.

Power BI vs Excel (Real Time Reporting)

When it comes to real-time reporting features, Power BI and Excel are very different. The handling of real-time reporting by each tool is contrasted as follows:

Power BI Real-Time Reporting:

Live Data Connection: Power BI is designed to work with live data connections, allowing users to connect to real-time data sources and view up-to-date information in their reports and dashboards. This capability is particularly useful for scenarios where data changes frequently, such as stock market data, social media analytics, or IoT sensor data.

DirectQuery: Power BI supports DirectQuery, which enables users to create reports directly on top of data stored in on-premises or cloud-based databases. With DirectQuery, users can query data in real-time without importing it into Power BI, ensuring that the reports reflect the latest changes in the underlying data source

Real-Time Dashboards: Power BI allows users to create real-time dashboards with dynamic visuals that update automatically as new data becomes available. These dashboards can be shared with others, providing a real-time view of critical business metrics and performance indicators.

Streaming Data: Power BI offers a feature called "Streaming Data" that allows users to visualise real-time data from data streams or event hubs. This is useful for scenarios where data is constantly flowing in, and users need immediate insights and visualisations.

Excel Real-Time Reporting:

Limited Real-Time Capabilities: Excel's real-time reporting capabilities are more limited compared to Power BI. While Excel supports real-time data connections and external data refreshes, it is not as seamless and dynamic as Power BI's real-time capabilities.

Real-Time Visualisations: Excel can create real-time visualisations, but they typically require manual refreshing of the data or establishing frequent data refresh schedules. This makes real-time reporting in Excel less dynamic and interactive compared to Power BI.

When it comes to real-time reporting, Power BI is the more suitable tool due to its native support for live data connections, DirectQuery, and streaming data capabilities. Power BI allows users to create dynamic dashboards and reports that update in real-time, providing timely insights for data-driven decision-making.

Due to its native support for live data connections, DirectQuery, and streaming data capabilities, Power BI is the better solution for real-time reporting. Users of Power BI may build dynamic dashboards and reports that are updated in real-time and offer timely information for making data-driven decisions.


Excel and Power BI are both powerful tools for data analysis, each with its own strengths and use cases. Excel's versatility and familiarity make it a go-to choice for smaller datasets and general spreadsheet tasks. Power BI, on the other hand, is specifically designed for advanced analytics, interactive visualisations, and collaboration on a larger scale. By understanding the differences and assessing your specific requirements, you can choose the tool that best suits your data analysis needs.

Vidi-Corp is a Power BI Consultant and  we offer bespoke Power BI training for data-driven businesses. Contact us now to discuss how we can empower you and your team.

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