Vidi ActiveCampaign Connector Tables


typeType of record
useridUser identifier
segmentidSegment identifier
bounceidBounce identifier
realcidReal client identifier
sendidSend identifier
threadidThread identifier
seriesidSeries identifier
formidForm identifier
basetemplateidBase template identifier
basemessageidBase message identifier
addressidAddress identifier
sourceData source
cdateCreation date
mdateModification date
sdateSent date
ldateLast activity date
send_amtSend amount
total_amtTotal amount
opensTotal opens
uniqueopensUnique opens
linkclicksTotal link clicks
uniquelinkclicksUnique link clicks
subscriberclicksSubscriber clicks
forwardsTotal forwards
uniqueforwardsUnique forwards
hardbouncesHard bounces
softbouncesSoft bounces
unsubscribesTotal unsubscribes
unsubreasonsUnsubscribe reasons
updatesTotal updates
socialsharesSocial shares
repliesTotal replies
uniquerepliesUnique replies
publicPublic visibility
mail_transferMail transfer status
mail_sendMail send status
mail_cleanupMail cleanup status
mailer_log_fileMailer log file location
tracklinksTrack links enabled
tracklinksanalyticsTrack links analytics
trackreadsTrack reads enabled
trackreadsanalyticsTrack reads analytics
analytics_campaign_nameAnalytics campaign name
tweetTweet status
facebookFacebook status
surveySurvey status
embed_imagesEmbedded images enabled
htmlunsubHTML unsubscribe link
textunsubText unsubscribe link
htmlunsubdataHTML unsubscribe data
textunsubdataText unsubscribe data
recurringRecurring status
willrecurWill recur status
split_typeSplit type
split_contentSplit content
split_offsetSplit offset
split_offset_typeSplit offset type
split_winner_messageidSplit winner message ID
split_winner_awaitingSplit winner awaiting status
responder_offsetResponder offset
responder_typeResponder type
responder_existingExisting responder status
reminder_fieldReminder field
reminder_formatReminder format
reminder_typeReminder type
reminder_offsetReminder offset
reminder_offset_typeReminder offset type
reminder_offset_signReminder offset sign
reminder_last_cron_runLast cron run for reminder
activerss_intervalActive RSS interval
activerss_urlActive RSS URL
activerss_itemsActive RSS items
ip4IPv4 address
laststepLast step in process
managetextManage text
scheduleSchedule information
scheduleddateScheduled date
waitpreviewWait preview
deletestampDeletion timestamp
replysysReply system
created_timestampCreated timestamp
updated_timestampUpdated timestamp
created_byCreated by user
updated_byUpdated by user
ipIP address
series_send_lock_timeSeries send lock time
can_skip_approvalCan skip approval
use_quartz_schedulerUse Quartz scheduler
verified_opensVerified opens count
verified_unique_opensVerified unique opens count
additional_dataAdditional data
predictive_sendPredictive send enabled
repair_timestampRepair timestamp
moderation_statusModeration status
has_outdated_translationsOutdated translations status
segmentnameSegment name
has_predictive_contentPredictive content status
message_idMessage identifier
screenshotScreenshot available
campaign_message_idCampaign message identifier
ed_versionEditor version
formatFormat type
userUser associated
automationAutomation status
links_userUser links
links_automationAutomation links
links_campaignMessageCampaign message links
links_campaignMessagesCampaign messages links
links_linksAdditional links
links_aggregateRevenuesAggregate revenues links
links_segmentSegment links
links_campaignListsCampaign lists links


stringidString identifier
useridUser identifier
cdateCreation date
p_use_trackingUse tracking enabled
p_use_analytics_readUse analytics for read tracking
p_use_analytics_linkUse analytics for link tracking
p_use_twitterUse Twitter integration
p_use_facebookUse Facebook integration
p_embed_imageEmbed images enabled
p_use_captchaUse CAPTCHA
send_last_broadcastLast broadcast send date
privatePrivate status
analytics_domainsAnalytics domains
analytics_sourceAnalytics source
analytics_uaGoogle Analytics UA tracking ID
twitter_tokenTwitter API token
twitter_token_secretTwitter API token secret
facebook_sessionFacebook session data
carboncopyCarbon copy recipients
subscription_notifySubscription notification enabled
unsubscription_notifyUnsubscription notification enabled
require_nameRequire name for subscription
get_unsubscribe_reasonCapture unsubscribe reason
to_nameRecipient name
optinoptoutOpt-in/Opt-out status
sender_nameSender’s name
sender_addr1Sender’s address line 1
sender_addr2Sender’s address line 2
sender_citySender’s city
sender_stateSender’s state
sender_zipSender’s ZIP code
sender_countrySender’s country
sender_phoneSender’s phone number
sender_urlSender’s website URL
sender_reminderSender’s reminder text
fulladdressFull sender address
optinmessageidOpt-in message identifier
optoutconfOpt-out confirmation status
deletestampDeletion timestamp
udateUpdate date
created_timestampCreated timestamp
updated_timestampUpdated timestamp
created_byCreated by user
updated_byUpdated by user
channelChannel name
non_deleted_subscribersNumber of non-deleted subscribers
active_subscribersNumber of active subscribers
idUnique identifier
userAssociated user
links_contactGoalListsContact goal lists links
links_userUser-related links
links_addressListsAddress lists links


cdateCreation date
emailEmail address
phonePhone number
firstNameFirst name
lastNameLast name
orgidOrganization ID
orgnameOrganization name ID
bounced_hardHard bounce status
bounced_softSoft bounce status
bounced_dateBounce date
ipIP address
uaUser agent
hashHash value
socialdata_lastcheckLast social data check
email_localLocal part of the email
email_domainEmail domain
sentcntSent count
rating_tstampRating timestamp
gravatarGravatar enabled
deletedDeleted status
anonymizedAnonymized status
adateActivation date
udateUpdate date
edateExpiry date
deleted_atDeletion timestamp
created_utc_timestampCreated UTC timestamp
updated_utc_timestampUpdated UTC timestamp
created_timestampCreated timestamp
updated_timestampUpdated timestamp
created_byCreated by user
updated_byUpdated by user
mpp_trackingMail Privacy Protection tracking status
last_click_dateLast click date
last_open_dateLast open date
last_mpp_open_dateLast Mail Privacy Protection open date
best_send_hourBest hour to send messages
scoreValuesScore values
accountContactsAccount contacts
idUnique identifier
organizationAssociated organization
links_bounceLogsBounce logs links
links_contactAutomationsContact automation links
links_contactDataContact data links
links_contactGoalsContact goals links
links_contactListsContact lists links
links_contactLogsContact logs links
links_contactTagsContact tags links
links_contactDealsContact deals links
links_dealsDeals links
links_fieldValuesField values links
links_geoIpsGeo IPs links
links_notesNotes links
links_organizationOrganization links
links_plusAppendPlus append links
links_trackingLogsTracking logs links
links_scoreValuesScore values links
links_accountContactsAccount contacts links
links_automationEntryCountsAutomation entry counts links


subscriberidUnique ID of the subscriber
useridUser ID associated with the record
d_idUnique ID for the data entry
accountAccount information
reltypeRelationship type
relidRelationship ID
from_nameSender’s name
fromAddressSender’s email address
toAddressRecipient’s email address
ccAddressCC email addresses
subjectEmail subject
messageEmail message in plain text
messageHtmlEmail message in HTML format
tstampTimestamp of the record
filesAttached files
connectionidConnection ID
messageidUnique message ID
series_idSeries ID
subscriber_series_idSubscriber’s series ID
automation_nameName of the automation
service_providerService provider name
idUnique identifier
contactAssociated contact
dealAssociated deal
userAssociated user
links_contactLinks to contact details
links_dealLinks to deal details
links_userLinks to user details
links_referenceLinks to reference details
links_accountLinks to account details
reference_typeType of reference
reference_idReference ID


hashUnique hash identifier
ownerOwner of the deal
contactAssociated contact
organizationAssociated organization
groupGroup associated with the deal
stageStage of the deal
titleTitle of the deal
descriptionDescription of the deal
percentPercentage completion of the deal
cdateCreation date of the deal
mdateLast modified date of the deal
nextdateNext scheduled action date
nexttaskidID of the next task
valueDeal value
currencyCurrency of the deal value
winProbabilityProbability of winning the deal
winProbabilityMdateLast modified date for win probability
statusCurrent status of the deal
activitycountNumber of activities related to the deal
nextdealidID of the next deal
edateEnd date of the deal
idUnique identifier for the deal
isDisabledIndicates if the deal is disabled
accountAssociated account
customerAccountAssociated customer account
links_dealActivitiesLinks to deal activities
links_contactLinks to associated contact
links_contactDealsLinks to contact deals
links_groupLinks to group details
links_nextTaskLinks to next task details
links_notesLinks to notes related to the deal
links_accountLinks to associated account
links_customerAccountLinks to customer account details
links_organizationLinks to organization details
links_ownerLinks to deal owner details
links_scoreValuesLinks to score values
links_stageLinks to deal stage details
links_tasksLinks to associated tasks
links_dealCustomFieldDataLinks to custom field data for the deal
nextTaskDetails of the next task in the deal pipeline


contact_idUnique identifier for the contact
reference_typeType of reference associated with the contact
reference_idUnique identifier for the reference
timestampDate and time of the activity
activityDescription of the activity

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