Field | Description |
type | Type of record |
userid | User identifier |
segmentid | Segment identifier |
bounceid | Bounce identifier |
realcid | Real client identifier |
sendid | Send identifier |
threadid | Thread identifier |
seriesid | Series identifier |
formid | Form identifier |
basetemplateid | Base template identifier |
basemessageid | Base message identifier |
addressid | Address identifier |
source | Data source |
name | Name |
cdate | Creation date |
mdate | Modification date |
sdate | Sent date |
ldate | Last activity date |
send_amt | Send amount |
total_amt | Total amount |
opens | Total opens |
uniqueopens | Unique opens |
linkclicks | Total link clicks |
uniquelinkclicks | Unique link clicks |
subscriberclicks | Subscriber clicks |
forwards | Total forwards |
uniqueforwards | Unique forwards |
hardbounces | Hard bounces |
softbounces | Soft bounces |
unsubscribes | Total unsubscribes |
unsubreasons | Unsubscribe reasons |
updates | Total updates |
socialshares | Social shares |
replies | Total replies |
uniquereplies | Unique replies |
status | Status |
public | Public visibility |
mail_transfer | Mail transfer status |
mail_send | Mail send status |
mail_cleanup | Mail cleanup status |
mailer_log_file | Mailer log file location |
tracklinks | Track links enabled |
tracklinksanalytics | Track links analytics |
trackreads | Track reads enabled |
trackreadsanalytics | Track reads analytics |
analytics_campaign_name | Analytics campaign name |
tweet | Tweet status |
facebook | Facebook status |
survey | Survey status |
embed_images | Embedded images enabled |
htmlunsub | HTML unsubscribe link |
textunsub | Text unsubscribe link |
htmlunsubdata | HTML unsubscribe data |
textunsubdata | Text unsubscribe data |
recurring | Recurring status |
willrecur | Will recur status |
split_type | Split type |
split_content | Split content |
split_offset | Split offset |
split_offset_type | Split offset type |
split_winner_messageid | Split winner message ID |
split_winner_awaiting | Split winner awaiting status |
responder_offset | Responder offset |
responder_type | Responder type |
responder_existing | Existing responder status |
reminder_field | Reminder field |
reminder_format | Reminder format |
reminder_type | Reminder type |
reminder_offset | Reminder offset |
reminder_offset_type | Reminder offset type |
reminder_offset_sign | Reminder offset sign |
reminder_last_cron_run | Last cron run for reminder |
activerss_interval | Active RSS interval |
activerss_url | Active RSS URL |
activerss_items | Active RSS items |
ip4 | IPv4 address |
laststep | Last step in process |
managetext | Manage text |
schedule | Schedule information |
scheduleddate | Scheduled date |
waitpreview | Wait preview |
deletestamp | Deletion timestamp |
replysys | Reply system |
created_timestamp | Created timestamp |
updated_timestamp | Updated timestamp |
created_by | Created by user |
updated_by | Updated by user |
ip | IP address |
series_send_lock_time | Series send lock time |
can_skip_approval | Can skip approval |
use_quartz_scheduler | Use Quartz scheduler |
verified_opens | Verified opens count |
verified_unique_opens | Verified unique opens count |
additional_data | Additional data |
predictive_send | Predictive send enabled |
repair_timestamp | Repair timestamp |
moderation_status | Moderation status |
has_outdated_translations | Outdated translations status |
segmentname | Segment name |
has_predictive_content | Predictive content status |
message_id | Message identifier |
screenshot | Screenshot available |
campaign_message_id | Campaign message identifier |
ed_version | Editor version |
format | Format type |
id | Identifier |
user | User associated |
automation | Automation status |
links_user | User links |
links_automation | Automation links |
links_campaignMessage | Campaign message links |
links_campaignMessages | Campaign messages links |
links_links | Additional links |
links_aggregateRevenues | Aggregate revenues links |
links_segment | Segment links |
links_campaignLists | Campaign lists links |
Field | Description |
stringid | String identifier |
userid | User identifier |
name | Name |
cdate | Creation date |
p_use_tracking | Use tracking enabled |
p_use_analytics_read | Use analytics for read tracking |
p_use_analytics_link | Use analytics for link tracking |
p_use_twitter | Use Twitter integration |
p_use_facebook | Use Facebook integration |
p_embed_image | Embed images enabled |
p_use_captcha | Use CAPTCHA |
send_last_broadcast | Last broadcast send date |
private | Private status |
analytics_domains | Analytics domains |
analytics_source | Analytics source |
analytics_ua | Google Analytics UA tracking ID |
twitter_token | Twitter API token |
twitter_token_secret | Twitter API token secret |
facebook_session | Facebook session data |
carboncopy | Carbon copy recipients |
subscription_notify | Subscription notification enabled |
unsubscription_notify | Unsubscription notification enabled |
require_name | Require name for subscription |
get_unsubscribe_reason | Capture unsubscribe reason |
to_name | Recipient name |
optinoptout | Opt-in/Opt-out status |
sender_name | Sender’s name |
sender_addr1 | Sender’s address line 1 |
sender_addr2 | Sender’s address line 2 |
sender_city | Sender’s city |
sender_state | Sender’s state |
sender_zip | Sender’s ZIP code |
sender_country | Sender’s country |
sender_phone | Sender’s phone number |
sender_url | Sender’s website URL |
sender_reminder | Sender’s reminder text |
fulladdress | Full sender address |
optinmessageid | Opt-in message identifier |
optoutconf | Opt-out confirmation status |
deletestamp | Deletion timestamp |
udate | Update date |
created_timestamp | Created timestamp |
updated_timestamp | Updated timestamp |
created_by | Created by user |
updated_by | Updated by user |
channel | Channel name |
description | Description |
non_deleted_subscribers | Number of non-deleted subscribers |
active_subscribers | Number of active subscribers |
id | Unique identifier |
user | Associated user |
links_contactGoalLists | Contact goal lists links |
links_user | User-related links |
links_addressLists | Address lists links |
Field | Description |
cdate | Creation date |
email | Email address |
phone | Phone number |
firstName | First name |
lastName | Last name |
orgid | Organization ID |
orgname | Organization name |
segmentio_id | ID |
bounced_hard | Hard bounce status |
bounced_soft | Soft bounce status |
bounced_date | Bounce date |
ip | IP address |
ua | User agent |
hash | Hash value |
socialdata_lastcheck | Last social data check |
email_local | Local part of the email |
email_domain | Email domain |
sentcnt | Sent count |
rating_tstamp | Rating timestamp |
gravatar | Gravatar enabled |
deleted | Deleted status |
anonymized | Anonymized status |
adate | Activation date |
udate | Update date |
edate | Expiry date |
deleted_at | Deletion timestamp |
created_utc_timestamp | Created UTC timestamp |
updated_utc_timestamp | Updated UTC timestamp |
created_timestamp | Created timestamp |
updated_timestamp | Updated timestamp |
created_by | Created by user |
updated_by | Updated by user |
mpp_tracking | Mail Privacy Protection tracking status |
last_click_date | Last click date |
last_open_date | Last open date |
last_mpp_open_date | Last Mail Privacy Protection open date |
best_send_hour | Best hour to send messages |
scoreValues | Score values |
accountContacts | Account contacts |
id | Unique identifier |
organization | Associated organization |
links_bounceLogs | Bounce logs links |
links_contactAutomations | Contact automation links |
links_contactData | Contact data links |
links_contactGoals | Contact goals links |
links_contactLists | Contact lists links |
links_contactLogs | Contact logs links |
links_contactTags | Contact tags links |
links_contactDeals | Contact deals links |
links_deals | Deals links |
links_fieldValues | Field values links |
links_geoIps | Geo IPs links |
links_notes | Notes links |
links_organization | Organization links |
links_plusAppend | Plus append links |
links_trackingLogs | Tracking logs links |
links_scoreValues | Score values links |
links_accountContacts | Account contacts links |
links_automationEntryCounts | Automation entry counts links |
Field | Description |
subscriberid | Unique ID of the subscriber |
userid | User ID associated with the record |
d_id | Unique ID for the data entry |
account | Account information |
reltype | Relationship type |
relid | Relationship ID |
from_name | Sender’s name |
fromAddress | Sender’s email address |
toAddress | Recipient’s email address |
ccAddress | CC email addresses |
subject | Email subject |
message | Email message in plain text |
messageHtml | Email message in HTML format |
tstamp | Timestamp of the record |
files | Attached files |
connectionid | Connection ID |
messageid | Unique message ID |
series_id | Series ID |
subscriber_series_id | Subscriber’s series ID |
automation_name | Name of the automation |
service_provider | Service provider name |
id | Unique identifier |
contact | Associated contact |
deal | Associated deal |
user | Associated user |
links_contact | Links to contact details |
links_deal | Links to deal details |
links_user | Links to user details |
links_reference | Links to reference details |
links_account | Links to account details |
reference_type | Type of reference |
reference_id | Reference ID |
Field | Description |
hash | Unique hash identifier |
owner | Owner of the deal |
contact | Associated contact |
organization | Associated organization |
group | Group associated with the deal |
stage | Stage of the deal |
title | Title of the deal |
description | Description of the deal |
percent | Percentage completion of the deal |
cdate | Creation date of the deal |
mdate | Last modified date of the deal |
nextdate | Next scheduled action date |
nexttaskid | ID of the next task |
value | Deal value |
currency | Currency of the deal value |
winProbability | Probability of winning the deal |
winProbabilityMdate | Last modified date for win probability |
status | Current status of the deal |
activitycount | Number of activities related to the deal |
nextdealid | ID of the next deal |
edate | End date of the deal |
id | Unique identifier for the deal |
isDisabled | Indicates if the deal is disabled |
account | Associated account |
customerAccount | Associated customer account |
links_dealActivities | Links to deal activities |
links_contact | Links to associated contact |
links_contactDeals | Links to contact deals |
links_group | Links to group details |
links_nextTask | Links to next task details |
links_notes | Links to notes related to the deal |
links_account | Links to associated account |
links_customerAccount | Links to customer account details |
links_organization | Links to organization details |
links_owner | Links to deal owner details |
links_scoreValues | Links to score values |
links_stage | Links to deal stage details |
links_tasks | Links to associated tasks |
links_dealCustomFieldData | Links to custom field data for the deal |
nextTask | Details of the next task in the deal pipeline |
Field | Description |
contact_id | Unique identifier for the contact |
reference_type | Type of reference associated with the contact |
reference_id | Unique identifier for the reference |
timestamp | Date and time of the activity |
activity | Description of the activity |
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