Vidi QuickBooks Online Connector Tables

The list of tables inside Vidi Power BI Quickbooks Online Connector

The data format that comes out of our connector can be seen here:

QuickBooks Online Extracted Data Format.xlsx

If you can not find a table that you need, please contact us. We are open to customizing our code to include more tables for you. 

You will get access to this data through a database (Azure SQL Server or Big Query). This could be a database owned by you or Vidi Corp can host the data for you. For more information about installing the Power BI connector, please visit this link

Profit and Loss Detail table

This table returns the profit and loss statement. The data is broken down by day rather than aggregated for a time period. The statement can be broken down to transaction level and is available on both cash and accrual basis. 

No need to reconstruct this statement with formulas!

Column NameDescription
Date_valueDate of transaction
Amount_valueAmount of the transaction in your default QuickBooks Online currency
Balance_valueCumulative amount of the balance on the specific account
Memo/Description_valueDescription of the transaction
Split_valueDescription of the transaction
Transaction Type_idId of transaction type
Transaction Type_valueTransaction Type Description
lv0_valueThe first layer in the hierarchy of your P&L statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks. Usually values are “Ordinary Income/Expenses” and “Other Income/Expenses”
lv1_valueThe second layer of your P&L statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks. Usually values are “Income” ,”Expenses” ,“Other Income”, “Other Income”
lv2_valueThe second layer of your P&L statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks
lv3_valueThe second layer of your P&L statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks
accounting_methodCash vs Accrual
client_idName of your QuickBooks account or accounts

If your P&L statement has more than 3 layers of hierarchy, those will be automatically captured by the connector.


Balance Sheet Detail table

Same as P&L statement, this table returns the data broken down by day. It also groups individual transactions to balance sheet accounts mirroring the hierarchy of accounts in your QuickBooks Online. The data is available both on cash and accrual basis. 

Column NameDescription
Date_valueDate of transaction
Amount_valueAmount of the transaction in your default QuickBooks Online currency
Balance_valueCumulative amount of the balance on the specific account
Memo/Description_valueDescription of the transaction
Debit_valueDebit balance of a particular transaction
Credit_valueCredit balance of a particular transaction
Split_valueDescription of the transaction
Transaction Type_idId of transaction type
Transaction Type_valueTransaction Type Description
lv0_valueThe first layer in the hierarchy of your Balance Sheet statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks. Usually values are “Assets” and “Liabilities and Equity”
lv1_valueThe second layer of your Balance Sheet statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks. Usually values are “Assets” ,”Liabilities” ,“Equity”
lv2_valueThe second layer of your Balance Sheet statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks
lv3_valueThe second layer of your Balance Sheet statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks
accounting_methodCash vs Accrual
client_idName of your QuickBooks account or accounts

Cash Flow table

This table returns cash flow activity by account. Please note that it is possible to add “Class” column to this table upon request.

Column NameDescription
r_dateDate of the report extract
TotalAmount of the transaction in your default QuickBooks Online currency
lv0_valueThe first layer in the hierarchy of your Cash Flow statement. Usually the values are : Financing activities, Investing activities, Operating activities
lv1_valueThe second layer of your Cash Flow statement.
lv2_valueThe second layer of your Cash Flow statement.The values will be the same as they are in your QuickBooks
client_idName of your QuickBooks account or accounts

Accounts Receivables table

This table shows how much particular customers owe you and how long the payment was outstanding for.

Column NameDescription
report_dateDate of the report extract
Cust_nameID of a customer
cust_name_valueName of a customer
attr_valueShows how long the payment is outstanding for. The possible values are “Current”, “1-30 days”, “31-60 days”, “61-90 days”, “90+ days”
txtn_typeThe type of a transaction. It could be “Deposit”, “Invoice”, “Expense”, “Journal Entry”, “Payment”
Subt_home_amount_valueThe amount outstanding 
client_idName of your QuickBooks account or accounts

Contact us to see our QuickBooks Connector in action

Budget table

If you have multiple budgets in your company, we would be able to extract data from all of them. Our connector can extract the budget table below. This table can be joined with “Budget Detail” using ID.

Column NameDescription
End_dateThe end date of the budget
Start_dateThe start date of the budget
Budget_typeProfit and Loss/ Balance Sheet/etc
IDBudget ID
Client IDName of your QuickBooks Account

Budget detail table

Budget detail contains the actual budget numbers. It can be joined with 

Column NameDescription
Budget_dateDate of the budgeted amount
AccountRef_nameName of account for which you have the budget
AccountRef_valueAccount ID
Budget_idThe id of the budget
AmountThe budgeted amount
client_idName of your QuickBooks account or accounts

Customer Sales table

This table groups sales by customer so that you can analyse how much each customer spent with you.

Column NameDescription
Accounting_methodCash or Accrual
ValueAmount of the transaction in your default QuickBooks Online currency
Customer_idID of a customer
Customer NameName of a customer
r_dateDate of the transaction

Accounts table

This table shows the chart of accounts including the five basic account types: asset, liability, income, expense, and equity. This table shows the account balances as of the last data refresh.

Column NameDescription
AccountSubTypeAccount IDs are grouped into sub types 
AccountTypeAccount types including Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Expenses, etc. This is usually the first layer of the hierarchy of your financial statements.
ActiveTrue/False flag for whether an account is currently used.
ClassificationThis is the classification of accounts into the 5 basic account types like asset, liability, income, expense, and equity. The classification is blank for non-posting accounts. 
CurrencyRef_nameCurrency name e.g. United States Dollar
CurrencyRef_valueShort currency name e.g. USD
CurrentBalanceThe balance of an account as of now
CurrentBalanceWithSubAccountsSpecifies the cumulative balance amount for the current Account and all its sub-accounts.
DescriptionDescription of your accounts
FullyQualifiedNameThe fully qualified name prepends the topmost parent, followed by each subaccount separated by colons and takes the form of Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2. This is limited to 5 levels.
IdID of the account 
MetaData_CreateTimeThe time that an account was first created for your company
MetaData_LastUpdatedTimeThe time when an account was last updated for your company
NameName of the account
ParentRef_valueID of the parent account
SubAccountTrue/False flag to show whether an account is a sub account
SyncTokenVersion number of the object
client_idThe name of the QuickBooks Online account
domainThe value is always “QuickBooks Online”
AcctNumThe 5 digit number of an account

Customer table

This table contains all the information you have about customers inside of your QuickBooks Online account.

Column NameDescription
AlternatePhone_FreeFormNumberThe phone number of your customers
BalanceSpecifies the open balance amount or the amount unpaid by the customer.
BalanceWithJobsCumulative open balance amount for the Customer (or Job) and all its sub-jobs
BillAddr_CityThe city inside of the billing address of a customer
BillAddr_CountryThe country inside of the billing address of a customer
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCodeThe country subdivision code from the billing address of a customer. This could be the 2 letter code referring to a US state.
BillAddr_IdID of a billing address
BillAddr_Line1The first line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line2The second line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line3The third line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line4The fourth line of the billing address
BillAddr_PostalCodeThe postal code of the billing address
BillWithParentTrue/False for whether a customer is billed with their parent
CompanyNameName of your customer
CurrencyRef_nameName of the currency in which they are billed e.g. United States Dollar
CurrencyRef_valueAbbreviation of the currency in which they are billed e.g. USD
DefaultTaxCodeRef_valueTax code set by the system
DisplayNameThe name of your customer displayed in QuickBooks Online
FamilyNameThe family name of your customers
Fax_FreeFormNumberFax number
FullyQualifiedNameTakes the form of Customer:Job:Sub-job. System generated.
GivenNameFirst name of your customer
IdID of your customer 
JobDefines whether the object is a parent customer or nested sub-customer/job.
MetaData_CreateTimeThe time your customer was created
MetaData_LastUpdatedTimeThe time your customer was last updated
MiddleNameMiddle name of your customer
Mobile_FreeFormNumberMobile number of your customer
NotesAny notes you left about your customer
PaymentMethodRef_valuePayment method of your customer
PreferredDeliveryMethodPreferred Delivery Method of your customer
PrimaryEmailAddr_AddressPrimary email address of your customer
WebAddr_URIWebsite of your customer
client_idThe name of your QuickBooks Online account
domainThe value is always “QuickBooks Online”
ParentRef_valueID of the parent customer

Invoice table

This table analyses the invoices that you prepared in QuickBooks Online. Those are the invoices you would send to your customers rather than the invoices that you receive. 

Column NameDescription
ApplyTaxAfterDiscountIf false or null, calculate the sales tax first, and then apply the discount. If true, subtract the discount first and then calculate the sales tax.
BalanceThe current outstanding balance per invoice. If 0, the invoice is fully paid
BillAddr_CityCity of the billing address
BillAddr_CountryCountry of the billing address
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode2 letter code of the sub division like a US state of the billing address
BillAddr_IdID of the billing address
BillAddr_Line1First line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line2Second line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line3Third line of the billing address
BillAddr_Line4Fourth line of the billing address
BillAddr_PostalCodeThe postal code
BillEmail_AddressThe email address of the billing address
CurrencyRef_nameThe currency name e.g. United State Dollars
CurrencyRef_valueThe currency code e.g. USD
CustomerMemo_valueThe memo to a customer sent on an invoice 
CustomerRef_nameReference to a customer or job by name
CustomerRef_valueReference to a customer or job by ID
DeliveryInfo_DeliveryErrorTypeIf there was an error with delivering the invoice over email, this column will tell you the error message
DeliveryInfo_DeliveryTimeTime of invoice delivery
DeliveryInfo_DeliveryTypeType of invoice delivery
DocNumberThe doc number of the invoice
DueDateThe due date of the invoice
IdID of the invoice
MetaData_CreateTimeTime when invoice was first created
MetaData_LastUpdatedTimeTime when the invoice was last updated
PrivateNoteUser entered, organization-private note about the transaction. This note does not appear on the invoice to the customer
SalesTermRef_nameE.g. Net30, Net7, etc
SalesTermRef_valueId of the sales term
ShipAddr_CityShipping address city
ShipAddr_CountryShipping address country
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCodeShipping address state
ShipAddr_IdShipping address id
ShipAddr_Line1First line of the shipping address
ShipAddr_Line2Second line of the shipping address
ShipAddr_Line3Third line of the shipping address
ShipAddr_Line4Fourth line of the shipping address
ShipAddr_Line5Fifth line of the shipping address
ShipAddr_PostalCodePostal code of the shipping address
ShipDateShipping date
TotalAmtAmount of the invoice
TxnDateThis date provides information for taxes charged on the transaction as a whole
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTaxTotal amount of tax on a transaction
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef_nameTax code name
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef_valueTax code id
client_idThe name of your QuickBooks Online account

Invoice Custom Field Table

Some customers add custom fields to their invoices. If you added custom fields to invoices, you will find them in this table

Column NameDescription
DefinitionIdUnique identifier of the CustomFieldDefinition
Invoice_idThe ID of the invoice
NameThe name of the custom field
TypeData type which is usually text
client_idThe name of your QuickBooks Online account
StringValueThe value of an invoice custom field

Other tables

If you haven’t found the table or a column that you need for your project, please contact us. We are open to customising our software based on the specific requests of our clients.