How to Transform Your Business with Inventory Management Power App

19 September 2024
Transform Your Business with Inventory Management Power App

Have you ever wondered how to transform your business with Inventory Management Power App? Running an efficient business requires tracking inventory. Manual spreadsheet tracking is time-consuming, prone to errors, and doesn’t provide real-time visibility. That’s where a customized inventory management Power App can help.

In this article, we’ll walk through a real-world example of how Vidi Corp built an inventory Power App to solve significant business challenges for a US-based plant nursery.

The Importance of Inventory Management

Inventory is the lifeblood of any product-based business. Knowing what you have in stock, where it’s located, and when you need to reorder is critical for meeting customer demand.

Most small businesses still rely on Excel spreadsheets to track inventory. But spreadsheets have major limitations. Here are some of the common drawbacks associated with planning inventory in Excel.

  • No mobile access – you can only update data when sitting at your desk
  • Difficult to share data with staff
  • Manual processes lead to data entry mistakes
  • No reporting functionality for actionable insights

Modern businesses need inventory tracking that is:

  • Accessible anywhere via mobile devices
  • Real-time updated
  • Integrated with order management and fulfillment
  • Equipped with reporting dashboards

Client Overview

Our client sells live plants and containers to consumers and commercial customers across the United States. They were previously tracking thousands of SKUs using Excel sheets. But with a growing product catalog and inventory housed across multiple locations, their manual approach wasn’t sustainable.

Key pain points experienced by the business included:

  • Hours wasted each week updating dozens of disconnected spreadsheets
  • Inability to quickly locate specific inventory items within their warehouse
  • Difficulty tracking real-time changes in stock levels per location
  • No unified view of inventory data to guide purchasing decisions

To transform their inventory management, the nursery partnered with Vidi Corp to build a Power App connected to SharePoint lists and Power BI analytics.

Power App Overview

Vidi Corp designed an all-in-one inventory management solution with the following key features:

Managing Bill-To and Ship-To Details

A key requirement for the plant nursery was support for both a “bill-to” address and “ship-to” address associated with inventory items. This accommodates business-to-business orders that have separate invoicing and delivery destinations.

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Within the Power App, warehouse staff can select both a Bill-To and Ship-To company for inventory batches using simple drop-down menus. Common combinations can be saved for quick future selection.

Behind the scenes, Vidi Corp configured cascading filter logic based on these selections. Choosing a Ship-To company filters the visible warehouse locations to show only the valid fulfillment facilities that can support deliveries for that customer.

Likewise, picking the Bill-To company automatically applies to that business location as the default accounts receivable address for order invoices. However, overrides can still be made on individual orders as needed.

Tracking paired Bill-To and Ship-To sites against inventory enables efficient picking, packing, shipping, and billing processes. Staff process orders faster when the required customer context follows inventory through the system.

Integrating with shipping software like Ship Station, the nursery can print new freight labels simply by referencing the linked ship-to details for inventory batches. The correct delivery address and contacts pull directly from the Power App into the shipping workflow.

End-to-end order orchestration becomes possible when leveraging bill-to and ship-to connectivity tied to centralized inventory data within Power Apps.

Power BI Dashboard Insights

Vidi Corp built an integrated Power BI analytics dashboard on top of the inventory management data stored in SharePoint lists. This dashboard updates every 4 hours, providing executives and managers with a near real-time overview of inventory metrics. The visual interface makes it easy to slice and dice data on the fly.

Some of the pre-configured views include:

  • Inventory Value by Warehouse Location – Understand how inventory dollars are physically distributed
  • Inventory Quantity by Type – Quantity of Inventory based on Bill To and Ship To details
  • Inventory Quantity by Products – The number of items available in inventory based on the products
  • Inventory Quantity by Categories – The number of items available in each category

Settings Control

To support evolving business needs, Vidi Corp built administrative functionality for managing inventory setup right within the Power App interface.

Located under the Settings icon, authorized users can configure both company-wide inventory filters as well as the master product catalog.

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Manage All Inventory

The Manage Whole Inventory settings page offers a bird’s eye snapshot of current inventory levels across all warehouse zones, buildings, and racks.

While frontline staff may only interact with inventory records assigned to their work area, executives can view aggregate quantities in this macro dashboard.

Filters allow slicing the inventory data along:

  • Bill-To Accounts – Check quantities slated for specific customer accounts
  • Ship-To Warehouses – Verify stock levels by fulfillment site addresses
  • Zones – Inspect inventory for certain warehouse layout areas
  • Product Attributes – Analyze inventory by SKU properties like size, color family, pot shape, etc.

Regardless of how filters get applied, the settings overview displays key figures like current stock quantity, ideal par stock targets, and days of supply remaining before hitting minimum thresholds.

From this centralized perspective, administrators can pinpoint global inventory shortages to expedite transfers or reorders. Bulk exporting filtered datasets as PDFs assists further number crunching or presentations.

Manage Product Catalog

In addition to inventory visibility, authorized staff manages the backend product catalog within the Settings section.

This master dataset houses all details constituting valid SKUs like:

  • Item Names/Numbers
  • Product Size Dimensions
  • Colors and Varieties
  • Pot, Vase, or Planter Shapes
  • Foliage Categories like Flowering Plants, Succulents, Bonsai Trees
  • Indoor vs Outdoor Good Types

Editing or adding new products instantly syncs changes across the entire business. Frontline staff access the latest items when performing inventory counts or order fulfillment tasks.

Between centralized inventory oversight and configurable product data, the Settings page truly functions as command central within the Power App.

Other Features of the Solution We Developed

The dashboard allows endlessly customizable filtering to home in on products, warehouse zones, frequency groups, and other attributes. Search functions also quickly locate inventory elements.

User-Friendly Interface

The Power App provides an intuitive mobile interface for staff to view, update, or add new inventory records on-the-go. Data fields capture all critical details like:

  • Warehouse location
  • Product information
  • Stock quantity
  • Last count date
  • Next reorder timeframe
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Advanced filtering and search functionality allows users to instantly look up inventory items.

Real-Time Synchronization

As warehouse staff scan barcodes or enter changes via the app, the SharePoint data list updates in real-time. This ensures the system always reflects the latest inventory quantities and tracking details.

Bulk Data Upload

For initial configuration, the app supports bulk upload of the product catalog and existing inventory counts via Excel spreadsheet templates. This saved significant time instead of manual data entry.

Automated Sequencing

To keep records organized as new SKUs get added, the Power App auto-sequences inventory line items. Users can also easily re-sequence groups of items with a couple clicks.

PDF Export

Inventory data lists can be exported as PDF reports for printing or sharing with stakeholders. This helps compile inventory accounting records or review before placing purchase orders.

Power BI Analytics

Alongside the mobile data access app, Vidi Corp built an integrated Power BI dashboard. This unlocks inventory analysis at an executive level.

Key metrics provided include:

  • Inventory value by warehouse
  • Stock level trends over time
  • Automated reorder alerts
  • Purchase order tracking
  • Sales demand forecasting

Ongoing dashboard updates ensure numbers stay current for data-driven decisions.


With their new inventory management Power App, this plant nursery gained these transformative business benefits:

  • 83% faster inventory updates from any location
  • Almost zero data entry errors thanks to centralized lists
  • 360-degree view of inventory across multiple warehouses
  • Data-driven insights for purchasing and production planning

The app also delivered impressive productivity savings. This is due to the staff hours previously lost to spreadsheet wrangling. It is not possible to use the dashboard to gather value-added tasks like order fulfillment with ease.

On top of operational improvements, the nursery is positioned for easier expansion thanks to scalable systems and processes.

Like this client, your small business can realize tremendous time and cost savings using Power Apps. Contact the experts at Vidi Corp to discuss building a custom inventory management solution tailored to your needs. Transform outdated business processes to unlock efficiency and support future growth.

Microsoft Power Platform

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