What is Tableau and how it can help your business grow

15 October 2020
Eugene Lebedev

Eugene Lebedev is a Power BI consultant by background. Before founding Vidi Corp in 2021 he created Power BI reporting for Autodesk. His Power Bi reports were used by VPs of Finance and C-suite of Autodesk. As part of Vidi Corp, Eugene created dashboards for Google, Teleperformance, Delta Airlines and 200+ clients worldwide.

What is Tableau and how it can help your business grow

In this 21st century the entire world is heading towards digital transformations at a pace like never before. Almost all sectors of human life are becoming increasingly data driven. Right from Industries like health, food, banks,travel and hospitality to complex Industries like robotics, automations, sales, marketing, advertisements, etc, everything got digitized. Eventually businesses got Data-enriched by collecting chunks of data but yet most businesses don’t know what to do with it. They don’t use Business intelligence to their advantage and the reason behind it is they are unaware of the right set of tools.So this is why, we are bringing up this blog to make you know about what Tableau is and how it can enhance your Business Intelligence. Without any further adieu let us do it. One of the effective ways of growing your business is by leveraging data effectively to its true potential. But wait! Here is a catch, you might be astonished but it’s true that 90% of businesses fail to manage their Data efficiently . Why do you think it is so? Hmm!! Is there something really serious here? Lol, there is nothing serious in fact. The only serious thing is business owners are not being so serious about their Data goals and usage of the right tools. Today we want you to introduce an awesome Business Intelligence tool called “Tableau” and its applications. Are you excited? You should be ?

What is Tableau

Tableau is a powerful Business intelligence platform which serves the purpose of visualization of data and analysis of data. It’s clear mission is to help people understand data in the most possible simplest way in order to make intelligent and better decisions. It is easy to use, easy to collaborate within the teams and also it is easy to integrate all kinds of data resources.

Various forms of Tableau

Tableau is a powerful Business intelligence platform which serves the purpose of visualization of data and analysis of data. It’s clear mission is to help people understand data in the most possible simplest way in order to make intelligent and better decisions. It is easy to use, easy to collaborate within the teams and also it is easy to integrate all kinds of data resources.

Various forms of Tableau

Tableau comes with three different forms based on its functionalities

  • Tableau prep: it is a data preparation tool which aims to clean, filter and combine your data in a visual manner. Tableau prep is a simple yet powerful self service tool that makes the job of an analyst easier with workflows and by reusing it. It can handle the operations like SQl queries, functionalities of Excel, data extraction and other common tasks of data analysts.
  • Tableau Desktop: it is a desktop version of tableau where it aims to store, share, analyse data on a local server. Tableau desktop has the flexibility to be able to integrate with almost all kinds of data resources from various sources like on data prem or cloud, spreadsheets, google analytics, salesforce and other popular dataware houses. It gives more deeper insights and answers complex KPIs of Business intelligence within a few clicks that too with interactive story dashboards.
  • Tableau server or online: These are two similar options with almost exact features with a bit difference in its handlings. These two give users the flexibility to share the access of reports within the teams and with clients as well. To be precise you can set permissions and roles to access the files and reports. This feature not only adds additional layers of security but it also helps teams to maximize the best from tableau.

More or less the different forms, Tableau Desktop, Tableau online, Tableau server seems similar to most of the audience but in fact they do have some differences.

Tableau Desktop Tableau Desktop Tableau Desktop
Can be used to create dashboards, stories, reports on the local server Can be used to create dashboards, stories, reports directly hosted on Tableau’s servers. Can be used to create dashboards, reports, stories on your preferred cloud hostings such as AWS, Azure, Google cloud etc.
To access the files shared through Tableau desktop the recipient also need to have Tableau desktop or reader in their Pc To access the files shared through Tableau online the recipient only needs credentials to access it. Similar to that of tableau online here also the recipient only needs credentials to access it.
By sharing it locally you can not restrict others from modifying it. Here you can assign roles and permissions such as view, edit, etc. Here also you can assign roles and permissions such as view, edit, etc.
Used for development of dashboards Used by stakeholders to access reports online Used by executives and support teams.
Why Tableau

Well, by now we hope that you got to know what Tableau is, but let’s also know why you should use Tableau in particular. Tableau has been the true leader in the field of Business Intelligence and analytics tools for 8 continuous years in a row on the Gartner’s Magic quadrant. It is a simple yet powerful platform where users can have numerous ways of accessing, churning and analysing data. The prime reason why Tableau was the leader for such a long time is because of its ease of operations and the feasibility of collaborations. User dashboards, reports and stories can be easily navigable and understandable even to a non-technical person. It is smarter and most importantly it is automated. You dont require to spend hours of time collecting and analysing data, just all you need is to design your workflows, stream your pipelines, connect your sources and generate your reports. That’s a wow!! Isn’t it?

To see how Tableau can work for you, make an enquiry here. 

The story of Tableau and Salesforce

Data analytics and Business intelligence was one of the under-recognized services by most of the companies for a long time but with the introduction of Tableau, it became a game changer. Gradually companies used to adapt a data driven culture and right from then Tableau became the go to platform for several big organizations. The scope and power of Tableau raised eyebrows of several multinational companies and in result Salesforce ( one of the major CRM Enterprise companies) acquired Tableau for a whopping deal of $15B in 2019. It was one of the biggest acquisitions upto the moment. From then Tableau is operating under the product library of Salesforce. Marc Beniof the Co-ceo of salesforce at the time of acquisitions stated that “ Together we can transform the way people understand not only their customers, but their whole world “

5 ways how tableau can help your business grow

Till now we have seen together what tableau is and why should you choose tableau but aren’t you excited to know how tableau can help your business grow? Well, apart from being easy, smooth, collaborative, interactive Tableau still has a lot to offer in its armour. Let’s see one by one.

1. Less time required to prepare your Data

An organization might have various forms of Data resources from Excel sheets to databases such as MySQL to sources like Google analytics, cloud storages and many more. It is alway tedious and time consuming to pull data manually from all the resources but tableau offers in-built data connectors which can automatically pull the data from your resources saving a lot of time and Manpower. If the process of pulling, combining and filtering the data is taken place manually then it needs complicated architectures and also vulnerable to Data mishaps, so to avoid these human errors tableau works like a charm Analyst’s can quickly arrange and combine the data to analyze and at the same time Stakeholders are able to receive the reports quickly in order to take timely decisions without getting delayed.

2. Create better visuals with your Data

Most Business analytics tools require analysts to work beforehand to decide what keymetrics they need to analyze but Tableau gives you freedom to explore the simple drag and drop features to experiment and create different perspectives of Data. The ability to respond to quick changes and the built in visualization dashboard provides information in a graphical way. Tableau supports a wide variety of charts such as graphs, geo-maps, color codings and even it gives freedom to design the reports as per their brandings making it more user friendly for Stakeholders to always be on.

3. Collaborate with your teams and clients

Imagine you have everything in your bucket right from marketing reports to sales reports to performance reports but as you were on a holiday, you were unable to access the hard work of analysts kept behind it. What a pathetic scenario it could be and how dangerous it could be if the decisions are delayed. To get rid of this tableau comes with great features where you can share your files reports via links but for this all you need is Tableau server. The story doesn’t end here. You can assign permissions on a granular level so that external teams such as clients or third party vendors still have the access but are unable to modify your data.

4. Make better decisions like never before

Many big companies invest huge money just to experiment things but with small and medium businesses where budgets are strictly allocated then there definitely you need a strong force to back up your decisions because you can’t afford to lose money. But you might be thinking what could be that force? It is ‘Data’. If you have well structured, filtered data then you can make your decisions better than before because Data is always true and it works the best. According to Forbes research more than 80% of companies were able to make better decisions based on Data and it also gave them a boost of 3X results from the first year itself.

5. Strong community and continuous improvements

No matter how awesome the product may be but if it doesn’t have its own community then for sure it can’t sustain for a longtime. But thanks to the active community of Tableau where members actively participate in helping the individuals in answering their queries. Tableau community is a group of passionate, knowledgeable and dedicated Individuals who always strive to help fellow users. With their continuous efforts and with the leading innovations of Tableau’s team the Tableau always a go to tool for any kind of company in this world. Hurray! You got a perfect platform for your company but you might still have some uncertainties like in capability of a dedicated team of analysts or you might be thinking of reducing the already existing burden of your IT team, so how about a perfect analytic partner for you?

The perfect Analytic partner – Vidi-corp

New opportunities are always exciting but they do have some challenges. It is always better to have an expert team behind your data. To do this you need a separated team of analysts, setup infrastructure, invest in softwares and many more but what if you can outsource this entire process, yes, with Vidi-corp you can do this in a blink of an eye. Vidi-corp is a bi consulting service provider with a team of experts who are specialized in Data analytics and visualizations. We provide various services under our portfolio such as web analytics, Financial analytics and Business analytics. Our expert team is enriched with years of experience in extracting and analysing even petabytes of data with ease. We believe in empowering business with Data and we love to do it round the clock. Come let’s join together in making you and your company data driven. We are always looking to get in touch with you. You are just a step away, contact us today. Hope this blog brings some value to you, if yes? Then please consider subscribing to our blogs, leave your thoughts in comments and do share with your colleagues and partners through social media.

What is Tableau and how it can help your business grow

In this 21st century the entire world is heading towards digital transformations at a pace like never before. Almost all sectors of human life are becoming increasingly data driven. Right from Industries like health, food, banks,travel and hospitality to complex Industries like robotics, automations, sales, marketing, advertisements, etc, everything got digitized. Eventually businesses got Data-enriched by collecting chunks of data but yet most businesses don’t know what to do with it. They don’t use Business intelligence to their advantage and the reason behind it is they are unaware of the right set of tools.So this is why, we are bringing up this blog to make you know about what Tableau is and how it can enhance your Business Intelligence. Without any further adieu let us do it. One of the effective ways of growing your business is by leveraging data effectively to its true potential. But wait! Here is a catch, you might be astonished but it’s true that 90% of businesses fail to manage their Data efficiently . Why do you think it is so? Hmm!! Is there something really serious here? Lol, there is nothing serious in fact. The only serious thing is business owners are not being so serious about their Data goals and usage of the right tools. Today we want you to introduce an awesome Business Intelligence tool called “Tableau” and its applications. Are you excited? You should be ?

What is Tableau

Tableau is a powerful Business intelligence platform which serves the purpose of visualization of data and analysis of data. It’s clear mission is to help people understand data in the most possible simplest way in order to make intelligent and better decisions. It is easy to use, easy to collaborate within the teams and also it is easy to integrate all kinds of data resources.

Various forms of Tableau

Tableau is a powerful Business intelligence platform which serves the purpose of visualization of data and analysis of data. It’s clear mission is to help people understand data in the most possible simplest way in order to make intelligent and better decisions. It is easy to use, easy to collaborate within the teams and also it is easy to integrate all kinds of data resources.

Various forms of Tableau

Tableau comes with three different forms based on its functionalities

  • Tableau prep: it is a data preparation tool which aims to clean, filter and combine your data in a visual manner. Tableau prep is a simple yet powerful self service tool that makes the job of an analyst easier with workflows and by reusing it. It can handle the operations like SQl queries, functionalities of Excel, data extraction and other common tasks of data analysts.
  • Tableau Desktop: it is a desktop version of tableau where it aims to store, share, analyse data on a local server. Tableau desktop has the flexibility to be able to integrate with almost all kinds of data resources from various sources like on data prem or cloud, spreadsheets, google analytics, salesforce and other popular dataware houses. It gives more deeper insights and answers complex KPIs of Business intelligence within a few clicks that too with interactive story dashboards.
  • Tableau server or online: These are two similar options with almost exact features with a bit difference in its handlings. These two give users the flexibility to share the access of reports within the teams and with clients as well. To be precise you can set permissions and roles to access the files and reports. This feature not only adds additional layers of security but it also helps teams to maximize the best from tableau.

More or less the different forms, Tableau Desktop, Tableau online, Tableau server seems similar to most of the audience but in fact they do have some differences.

Tableau Desktop Tableau Desktop Tableau Desktop
Can be used to create dashboards, stories, reports on the local server Can be used to create dashboards, stories, reports directly hosted on Tableau’s servers. Can be used to create dashboards, reports, stories on your preferred cloud hostings such as AWS, Azure, Google cloud etc.
To access the files shared through Tableau desktop the recipient also need to have Tableau desktop or reader in their Pc To access the files shared through Tableau online the recipient only needs credentials to access it. Similar to that of tableau online here also the recipient only needs credentials to access it.
By sharing it locally you can not restrict others from modifying it. Here you can assign roles and permissions such as view, edit, etc. Here also you can assign roles and permissions such as view, edit, etc.
Used for development of dashboards Used by stakeholders to access reports online Used by executives and support teams.
Why Tableau

Well, by now we hope that you got to know what Tableau is, but let’s also know why you should use Tableau in particular. Tableau has been the true leader in the field of Business Intelligence and analytics tools for 8 continuous years in a row on the Gartner’s Magic quadrant. It is a simple yet powerful platform where users can have numerous ways of accessing, churning and analysing data. The prime reason why Tableau was the leader for such a long time is because of its ease of operations and the feasibility of collaborations. User dashboards, reports and stories can be easily navigable and understandable even to a non-technical person. It is smarter and most importantly it is automated. You dont require to spend hours of time collecting and analysing data, just all you need is to design your workflows, stream your pipelines, connect your sources and generate your reports. That’s a wow!! Isn’t it?

To see how Tableau can work for you, make an enquiry here. 

The story of Tableau and Salesforce

Data analytics and Business intelligence was one of the under-recognized services by most of the companies for a long time but with the introduction of Tableau, it became a game changer. Gradually companies used to adapt a data driven culture and right from then Tableau became the go to platform for several big organizations. The scope and power of Tableau raised eyebrows of several multinational companies and in result Salesforce ( one of the major CRM Enterprise companies) acquired Tableau for a whopping deal of $15B in 2019. It was one of the biggest acquisitions upto the moment. From then Tableau is operating under the product library of Salesforce. Marc Beniof the Co-ceo of salesforce at the time of acquisitions stated that “ Together we can transform the way people understand not only their customers, but their whole world “

5 ways how tableau can help your business grow

Till now we have seen together what tableau is and why should you choose tableau but aren’t you excited to know how tableau can help your business grow? Well, apart from being easy, smooth, collaborative, interactive Tableau still has a lot to offer in its armour. Let’s see one by one.

1. Less time required to prepare your Data

An organization might have various forms of Data resources from Excel sheets to databases such as MySQL to sources like Google analytics, cloud storages and many more. It is alway tedious and time consuming to pull data manually from all the resources but tableau offers in-built data connectors which can automatically pull the data from your resources saving a lot of time and Manpower. If the process of pulling, combining and filtering the data is taken place manually then it needs complicated architectures and also vulnerable to Data mishaps, so to avoid these human errors tableau works like a charm Analyst’s can quickly arrange and combine the data to analyze and at the same time Stakeholders are able to receive the reports quickly in order to take timely decisions without getting delayed.

2. Create better visuals with your Data

Most Business analytics tools require analysts to work beforehand to decide what keymetrics they need to analyze but Tableau gives you freedom to explore the simple drag and drop features to experiment and create different perspectives of Data. The ability to respond to quick changes and the built in visualization dashboard provides information in a graphical way. Tableau supports a wide variety of charts such as graphs, geo-maps, color codings and even it gives freedom to design the reports as per their brandings making it more user friendly for Stakeholders to always be on.

3. Collaborate with your teams and clients

Imagine you have everything in your bucket right from marketing reports to sales reports to performance reports but as you were on a holiday, you were unable to access the hard work of analysts kept behind it. What a pathetic scenario it could be and how dangerous it could be if the decisions are delayed. To get rid of this tableau comes with great features where you can share your files reports via links but for this all you need is Tableau server. The story doesn’t end here. You can assign permissions on a granular level so that external teams such as clients or third party vendors still have the access but are unable to modify your data.

4. Make better decisions like never before

Many big companies invest huge money just to experiment things but with small and medium businesses where budgets are strictly allocated then there definitely you need a strong force to back up your decisions because you can’t afford to lose money. But you might be thinking what could be that force? It is ‘Data’. If you have well structured, filtered data then you can make your decisions better than before because Data is always true and it works the best. According to Forbes research more than 80% of companies were able to make better decisions based on Data and it also gave them a boost of 3X results from the first year itself.

5. Strong community and continuous improvements

No matter how awesome the product may be but if it doesn’t have its own community then for sure it can’t sustain for a longtime. But thanks to the active community of Tableau where members actively participate in helping the individuals in answering their queries. Tableau community is a group of passionate, knowledgeable and dedicated Individuals who always strive to help fellow users. With their continuous efforts and with the leading innovations of Tableau’s team the Tableau always a go to tool for any kind of company in this world. Hurray! You got a perfect platform for your company but you might still have some uncertainties like in capability of a dedicated team of analysts or you might be thinking of reducing the already existing burden of your IT team, so how about a perfect analytic partner for you?

The perfect Analytic partner – Vidi-corp

New opportunities are always exciting but they do have some challenges. It is always better to have an expert team behind your data. To do this you need a separated team of analysts, setup infrastructure, invest in softwares and many more but what if you can outsource this entire process, yes, with Vidi-corp you can do this in a blink of an eye. Vidi-corp is a bi consulting service provider with a team of experts who are specialized in Data analytics and visualizations. We provide various services under our portfolio such as web analytics, Financial analytics and Business analytics. Our expert team is enriched with years of experience in extracting and analysing even petabytes of data with ease. We believe in empowering business with Data and we love to do it round the clock. Come let’s join together in making you and your company data driven. We are always looking to get in touch with you. You are just a step away, contact us today. Hope this blog brings some value to you, if yes? Then please consider subscribing to our blogs, leave your thoughts in comments and do share with your colleagues and partners through social media.

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