Connect Shopify to Power BI

Connect Shopify to Power BI

Eliminate data silos by consolidating all your Shopify accounts and organizations under one roof with this solution. VIDI’s Shopify connector to Power BI enables you to centralize and manage your Shopify data effortlessly, saving time and resources.

Shopify Dashboards

Here’s what VIDI offers:

Unified Data Hub:

  • Consolidate Data: Bring all your Shopify accounts and organizations under one roof. Access all your data in a single, centralized location for seamless analysis.
  • Flexibility: Fetch data from multiple organizations, giving you a holistic view of your Shopify operations.

Storage Tailored Just For You:

  • Database Freedom: Choose your preferred database (SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, BigQuery, etc.) or data warehouse for data storage. Bring your existing database or leverage VIDI’s creation service for a new one.

Customization Made Easy:

  • Transform and Tailor: Mold your data to fit your organization’s specific needs. VIDI facilitates transformations to ensure your data aligns perfectly with your standards.
  • Granular Control: Specify the exact Shopify reporting tables you require, optimizing data retrieval for efficiency.

Ready-to-Use Reports:

  • Define Your Format: Describe your desired report structure, and VIDI will store your data in a consumption-ready format, eliminating the need for further manipulation.

Lightweight and Cost-Effective:

  • Serverless Advantage: This service leverages serverless architecture, significantly reducing costs associated with traditional data management solutions.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Enjoy a lightweight solution with minimal monitoring requirements, freeing up your IT resources for other tasks.



All your products in one place

ColumnData TypeDescription
idintegerThe unique identifier of the product.
titlestringThe title or name of the product.
body_htmlstringThe HTML-formatted description of the product.
vendorstringThe vendor or manufacturer of the product.
product_typestringThe type or category of the product.
created_atdatetimeThe date and time when the product was created.
handlestringThe handle or URL-friendly version of the product title.
updated_atdatetimeThe date and time when the product was last updated.
published_atdatetimeThe date and time when the product was published (if applicable).
template_suffixstringThe template suffix used for the product (if applicable).
published_scopestringThe scope or visibility of the product publication (e.g., “web”, “global”, etc.).
tagsstringTags associated with the product.
statusstringThe status of the product (e.g., “active”, “archived”, etc.).
admin_graphql_api_idstringThe unique identifier for the product in the Shopify admin GraphQL API.
variantsarrayAn array containing information about product variants (e.g., different sizes, colors, etc.).
optionsarrayAn array containing information about product options (e.g., “Title”, “Size”, “Color”, etc.).
imagesarrayAn array containing information about product images.
imageobjectAn object containing information about the main product image.


All your historical orders at one place

ColumnData TypeDescription
idintegerThe unique identifier of the order.
admin_graphql_api_idstringThe unique identifier for the order in the Shopify admin GraphQL API.
app_idintegerThe ID of the app associated with the order.
browser_ipstringThe IP address of the browser used to place the order.
buyer_accepts_marketingbooleanIndicates whether the buyer has accepted marketing communications.
cancel_reasonstringThe reason for canceling the order (if applicable).
cancelled_atdatetimeThe date and time when the order was canceled (if applicable).
cart_tokenstringThe token associated with the cart from which the order was created.
checkout_idintegerThe ID of the checkout associated with the order.
checkout_tokenstringThe token associated with the checkout from which the order was created.
client_detailsobjectDetails about the client, including browser information.
closed_atdatetimeThe date and time when the order was closed.
confirmation_numberstringThe confirmation number associated with the order.
confirmedbooleanIndicates whether the order has been confirmed.
contact_emailstringThe email address associated with the contact for the order.
created_atdatetimeThe date and time when the order was created.
currencystringThe currency used for the order.
current_subtotal_pricestringThe current subtotal price of the order.
current_total_discountsstringThe current total discounts applied to the order.
current_total_pricestringThe current total price of the order.
current_total_taxstringThe current total tax applied to the order.
customer_localestringThe locale of the customer associated with the order.
device_idnullThe ID of the device used to place the order.
discount_codesarrayAn array containing information about discount codes applied to the order.
emailstringThe email address associated with the order.
estimated_taxesbooleanIndicates whether estimated taxes are enabled for the order.
financial_statusstringThe financial status of the order.
fulfillment_statusstringThe fulfillment status of the order.
landing_sitenullThe landing site associated with the order.
landing_site_refnullThe landing site reference associated with the order.
location_idnullThe location ID associated with the order.
merchant_of_record_app_idnullThe ID of the merchant of record app associated with the order.
namestringThe name or title of the order.
notestringAny notes associated with the order.
note_attributesarrayAn array containing additional note attributes associated with the order.
numberintegerThe order number.
order_numberintegerThe order number.
order_status_urlstringThe URL for checking the order status.
original_total_additional_fees_setnullThe original total additional fees set for the order.
original_total_duties_setnullThe original total duties set for the order.
payment_gateway_namesarrayAn array containing the names of payment gateways used for the order.
phonestringThe phone number associated with the order.
po_numbernullThe purchase order (PO) number associated with the order.
presentment_currencystringThe currency used for presentment of prices in the order.
processed_atdatetimeThe date and time when the order was processed.
referencestringA reference associated with the order.
referring_sitenullThe referring site associated with the order.
source_identifierstringThe identifier of the source associated with the order.
source_namestringThe name of the source associated with the order.
source_urlnullThe URL of the source associated with the order.
subtotal_pricestringThe subtotal price of the order

Inventory Levels

An inventory level represents the quantities of an inventory item for a location.

Each inventory level belongs to one inventory item and has one location. For every location where an inventory item can be stocked, there’s an inventory level that represents the inventory item’s quantities relating to that location.

ColumnData TypeDescription
inventory_item_idintegerThe unique identifier of the inventory item associated with the inventory level.
location_idintegerThe unique identifier of the location associated with the inventory level.
availableintegerThe quantity of the item available at the location.
updated_atdatetimeThe date and time when the inventory level was last updated.
admin_graphql_api_idstringThe unique identifier for the inventory level in the Shopify admin GraphQL API.

Inventory Items

An inventory item represents a physical good. It holds essential information about the physical good, including its SKU and whether its inventory is tracked.

ColumnData TypeDescription
idintegerThe unique identifier of the inventory item.
skustringThe stock-keeping unit (SKU) assigned to the inventory item.
created_atdatetimeThe date and time when the inventory item was created.
updated_atdatetimeThe date and time when the inventory item was last updated.
requires_shippingbooleanA flag indicating whether the inventory item requires shipping.
coststringThe cost of the inventory item.
country_code_of_originstringThe country code of origin for the inventory item.
province_code_of_originstringThe province code of origin for the inventory item.
harmonized_system_codestringThe harmonized system code associated with the inventory item.
trackedbooleanA flag indicating whether the inventory item is tracked.
country_harmonized_system_codesarrayAn array of country harmonized system codes associated with the inventory item.
admin_graphql_api_idstringThe unique identifier for the inventory item in the Shopify admin GraphQL API.

Metafields for Products

Metafields are a flexible way to attach additional information to a Shopify resource (e.g. Product, Collection, etc.). Some examples of data stored using metafields include specifications, size charts, downloadable documents, release dates, images, or part numbers. Metafields are identified by an owner resource, a namespace, and a key and they store a value along with type information for that context.

ColumnData TypeDescription
idintegerThe unique identifier of the metafield.
namespacestringThe namespace of the metafield.
keystringThe key associated with the metafield.
valuestringThe value of the metafield.
descriptionstringA description of the metafield, if available.
owner_idintegerThe ID of the resource that owns the metafield.
created_atdatetimeThe date and time when the metafield was created.
updated_atdatetimeThe date and time when the metafield was last updated.
owner_resourcestringThe type of resource that owns the metafield (e.g., product, order).
typestringThe type of metafield (e.g., single_line_text_field, multi_line_text_field, integer, json_string).
admin_graphql_api_idstringThe unique identifier for the metafield in the Shopify admin GraphQL API.

We can fetch more tables from Shopify like Billing, Customers, Discounts, Events etc.,

Get Started Today!

Simplify your Shopify data management with VIDI’s robust and user-friendly Shopify Reporting service.