The Power BI Xero connector by Vidi allows you to create automated data exports and extract data from multiple companies.
Our Power BI Xero connector works by extracting data automatically from Xero into a database such as Azure SQL Server. This database can then be used for many different purposes including building dashboards, using the data for Machine Learning models and many more purposes.
There are several differences between our Power BI Xero connector and all others:
1. It is possible to combine data from multiple Xero companies together in a single dataset
2. Supports Direct Query
3. The data output of it can be customized for specific needs of a client
Vidi Corp is actively working on development of a proprietary software for extracting data from Xero. The timeline for delivering the first version of it is towards the end of January 2025. The software will cover the script maintenance component of the data extraction work.
Below is the documentation for tables and columns available inside of the connector
This is the main table that contains the list of your transactions and grouping of those transactions into accounts. Grouping into accounts is important for replicating the calculation logic for P&L, Balance Sheet and other financial statements.
More detailed descriptions of all the columns and their meaning is available on Xero website.
Available Columns |
AccountCode |
AccountID |
AccountName |
AccountType |
Description |
GrossAmount |
JournalID |
JournalLineID |
NetAmount |
TaxAmount |
TaxName |
TaxType |
This table can be used to identify a tracking category for every transaction. These tracking categories can be regions, departments, etc depending on how you created them inside of Xero.
More detailed descriptions of all the columns and their meaning is available on Xero website.
Available Columns |
JournalLineID |
Name |
Option |
TrackingCategoryID |
TrackingOptionID |
The most useful column here is SourceType which could be used for grouping transactions into financial statements.
More detailed description of these columns can be found on Xero website
Available Columns |
CreatedDateUTC |
JournalDate |
JournalID |
JournalNumber |
Reference |
SourceID |
SourceType |
Accounts are grouping your transactions into lines on financial statements. Both active and inactive accounts are available to extract from this table. Bank account codes and currencies for those accounts are available to access through the accounts table.
More detailed description of these columns can be found on Xero website
Available Columns |
AccountID |
Description |
SystemAccount |
AddToWatchlist |
BankAccountNumber |
BankAccountType |
Class |
Code |
CurrencyCode |
EnablePaymentsToAccount |
HasAttachments |
Name |
ReportingCode |
ReportingCodeName |
ShowInExpenseClaims |
Status |
TaxType |
[Type] |
UpdatedDateUTC |
Useful columns inside of this table include CurrencyRate and CurrencyCode for bank transactions which describe what exchange rate was used for bank transactions. There is also a flag to identify reconciled vs unreconciled transactions.
More detailed description of these columns can be found on Xero website
Available Columns |
BankTransactionID |
BankAccount_AccountID |
BankAccount_Code |
BankAccount_Name |
BatchPayment_Account_AccountID |
BatchPayment_BatchPaymentID |
BatchPayment_Date |
BatchPayment_DateString |
BatchPayment_IsReconciled |
BatchPayment_Status |
BatchPayment_TotalAmount |
BatchPayment_Type |
BatchPayment_UpdatedDateUTC |
Contact_ContactID |
Contact_HasValidationErrors |
Contact_Name |
CurrencyCode |
CurrencyRate |
[Date] |
DateString |
ExternalLinkProviderName |
HasAttachments |
IsReconciled |
LineAmountTypes |
OverpaymentID |
Reference |
[Status] |
SubTotal |
Total |
TotalTax |
[Type] |
UpdatedDateUTC |
Url |
This table contains data for your counterparties saved in Xero. Apart from contact details it contains the total outstanding balance between you and the counterparty.
More detailed description of these columns can be found on Xero website
Available Columns |
ContactID |
LastName |
FirstName |
Name |
ContactNumber |
AccountNumber |
AccountsPayableTaxType |
AccountsReceivableTaxType |
Balances_AccountsPayable_Outstanding |
Balances_AccountsPayable_Overdue |
Balances_AccountsReceivable_Outstanding |
Balances_AccountsReceivable_Overdue |
BankAccountDetails |
ContactStatus |
DefaultCurrency |
EmailAddress |
HasAttachments |
HasValidationErrors |
IsCustomer |
IsSupplier |
SkypeUserName |
TaxNumber |
UpdatedDateUTC |
The basic purpose is to link line items from a purchase transaction (e.g. ACCPAY invoice) to a customer and a sales transaction (e.g. ACCREC Invoice).
More detailed description of these columns can be found on Xero website
Available Columns |
LinkedTransactionID |
ContactID |
SourceLineItemID |
SourceTransactionID |
SourceTransactionTypeCode |
Status |
TargetLineItemID |
TargetTransactionID |
[Type] |
UpdatedDateUTC |
If you haven’t found the needed column or table, please contact us. We can customise our product to satisfy your specific needs.
We would love to set up our Power BI Xero Connector for you! Simply reach out to discuss our process!