Field | Description |
answered | Indicates if the call was answered |
business_phone_number | The business phone number associated with the call |
customer_city | City of the customer calling |
customer_country | Country of the customer calling |
customer_name | Name of the customer |
customer_phone_number | Phone number of the customer |
customer_state | State of the customer |
direction | Call direction (inbound/outbound) |
duration | Duration of the call in seconds |
id | Unique identifier for the call |
recording | Link to the call recording (if available) |
recording_duration | Duration of the call recording |
recording_player | URL of the call recording player |
start_time | Timestamp when the call started |
tracking_phone_number | The tracking number used for the call |
voicemail | Indicates if the call went to voicemail |
call_type | Type of call (e.g., missed, answered, voicemail) |
company_id | ID of the company associated with the call |
company_name | Name of the company associated with the call |
company_time_zone | Time zone of the company |
created_at | Timestamp when the call record was created |
device_type | Device type used for the call (mobile, landline) |
first_call | Indicates if this was the first call from the customer |
formatted_call_type | Human-readable format of the call type |
formatted_customer_location | Formatted location details of the customer |
formatted_business_phone_number | Formatted business phone number |
formatted_customer_name | Formatted customer name |
prior_calls | Number of previous calls from this customer |
formatted_customer_name_or_phone_number | Display-friendly customer identifier |
formatted_customer_phone_number | Formatted version of the customer’s phone number |
formatted_duration | Human-readable duration of the call |
formatted_tracking_phone_number | Formatted version of the tracking phone number |
formatted_tracking_source | Source of the tracking number |
formatted_value | Value assigned to the call |
good_lead_call_id | ID of the call marked as a good lead |
good_lead_call_time | Timestamp when the call was marked as a good lead |
lead_status | Status of the lead (hot, warm, cold) |
note | Any notes associated with the call |
source | Source of the call (Google Ads, Organic, etc.) |
source_name | Human-readable source name |
tags | Tags associated with the call |
total_calls | Total number of calls from this customer |
value | Value assigned to the call |
waveforms | Audio waveform data for visualization |
tracker_id | ID of the tracking number used |
speaker_percent | Percentage of call time spoken by the agent |
keywords | Keywords detected in the call |
medium | Marketing medium that generated the call |
campaign | Marketing campaign that led to the call |
referring_url | URL that referred the customer to call |
landing_page_url | Landing page the customer visited before calling |
last_requested_url | Last webpage visited before making the call |
referrer_domain | Referring domain of the call |
utm_source | UTM source parameter from the tracking link |
utm_medium | UTM medium parameter from the tracking link |
utm_term | UTM term parameter from the tracking link |
utm_content | UTM content parameter from the tracking link |
utm_campaign | UTM campaign parameter from the tracking link |
utma, utmb, utmc, utmv, utmz | Google Analytics tracking cookies |
ga | Google Analytics tracking ID |
gclid, fbclid, msclkid | Google, Facebook, and Microsoft click IDs |
milestones | Key moments identified in the call |
timeline_url | URL to view the call timeline |
person_id | Unique identifier of the person calling |
transcription | Transcription of the call (if available) |
keywords_spotted | Keywords identified in the call transcript |
call_highlights | Key moments or highlights from the call |
call_summary | AI-generated summary of the call |
sentiment | AI-determined sentiment of the call (positive, neutral, negative) |
agent_email | Email of the agent who handled the call |
keypad_entries | Keypad inputs made during the call |
zip_code | ZIP code of the customer |